Fine Arts Shining Student Leah Evans Shining Student Leah Evans is celebrated for her artistic practice, receiving several significant awards and scholarships to further her professional development.
Fine Arts Shining Student Nicole Oscar Shining Student Nicole Oscar has her sights set on stage management, and is gaining the experience necessary to meet her goal.
Fine Arts Shining Student Kort Woycheshin Shining Student Kort Woycheshin has made the most of his education at ULethbridge, exploring his interests in music, photography, writing and videography.
Spirit Prize winner Nato’yi’kina’soyi, Hali Heavy Shield (BA/BEd ’06, MEd ’12) blends traditional and contemporary Blackfoot art practices PhD student Nato’yi’kina’soyi, Hali Heavy Shield (BA/BEd ’06, MEd ’12) is the 2023 winner of the Spirit Prize, an award for emerging Indigenous visual artists as they develop their careers and advance their artistic practices.
Fine Arts Shining Student Mirielle Nieuwenhuis Shining Student Mirielle Nieuwenhuis has always known she was meant to be an actress and has pursued this goal with fervor at ULethbridge.
Meet Futures Fund Scholarship winner, Nathan Crow Pushing himself to his full potential scored Dhillon School of Business student, Nathan Crow a $10,000 scholarship and a trip to Toronto to meet Canada's top chief executive officer of the year.
Fine Arts Shining Student Hana Hubley Hana Hubley was not quite sure she wanted to study music when she started at the University of Lethbridge. However, with the support of studio teacher Dr. Nick Sullivan (BMus ’04), Hana has found their calling.
In memory of Jo and Anne Vanee - celebrating student kindness 2023 International Management student, Disha has been awarded the 2023 Jo and Anne Vanee Memorial Award for her kindness to others and dedication to her studies.
Three dramatic arts students announced as winners of the 2023 Play Right Prize Stories on love, loneliness and autonomy comprise the premises of three compelling scripts from ULethbridge students. Leo Hyink, Jess Syratt and Achilles Friesen are the first, second and third place winners respectively of the annual Play Right Prize playwriting competition.
Dhillon School of Business introduces graduate scholarship in support of Indigenous students A new scholarship has been created at the University of Lethbridge’s Dhillon School of Business to honour the Every Child Matters movement.
Honouring a love of learning and community: An invitation to contribute to the Blaine Thacker Memorial Award Dr. Blaine Thacker (LLD ’06) was always fond of the University of Lethbridge. It is this fondness that inspires the Blaine Thacker Memorial Award, an endowed scholarship for graduate students conducting agricultural research.
Board of Governors pledges $10 million in match funds to support student scholarships Acknowledging that increased financial support is critical in ensuring a university education remains an option for more students, the University of Lethbridge Board of Governors is pledging $10 million in match funds for the establishment of new endowed student scholarships.
Lions Club donation aims to break down barriers for visually impaired students Lions Club, Picture Butte chapter, has donated $50,000 to help visually impaired ULethbridge students.
In memory of Jo and Anne Vanee— celebrating student kindness 2022 The Jo and Anne Vanee Memorial Award, given out through the Dhillon School of Business each year, recognizes a student that embodies a spirit of compassion, kindness and volunteerism in support of fellow students. Meet the 2022 recipient Josel Paguio.
Department of Art honours student excellence with annual awards Read about some of the recipients of the Department of Art awards and view their artwork.
Three ULethbridge students win Play Right Prize for compelling scripts From stories on the family of Albert Einstein, to a heart-racing plane crash, to meditations on the afterlife, these stories represent the breadth of curiosity and imagination that three University of Lethbridge students have.
IGNITING MINDS By supporting spaces, programming and student funding, you help inspire the next generation of change-makers, difference seekers and champions for environmental sustainability, reconciliation and innovation.
ILLUMINATING OPPORTUNITIES Through the establishment of scholarships and the development of programs, your support helps students become global citizens who think critically, communicate thoughtfully, engage in creativity an act in ways that better the world around them.
Donor Spotlight: Dr. Rita L. Irwin Contributes to Art Education As a professor in Art Education, Dr. Rita L. Irwin believes the art component needs to be valued and appreciated. “The more donors can show support for areas that tend to be under appreciated in the schools, the greater the possibility of enhancing and strengthening these programs in the schools.”
Department of Art Celebrates Excellence through Virtual Exhibitions and Awards The Department of Art celebrates student excellence and highlights the creative works of students, staff and faculty through two virtual exhibitions and the announcement of the 2021 art award recipients.
Day Rider pursues passion for music with help of Indigenous Graduate Admission Award Following his passion to uLethbridge, Day Rider is pursuing a Master of Music in composition with supervisor, Dr. Arlan Schultz. After completing his undergraduate degree, he knew uLethbridge was the right environment to continue his education.
Looking backwards, and forwards, at 20 years of supporting the fine arts Conga lines and sing-alongs, chefs and serenades, performances, pottery, prints and more. Join the University of Lethbridge as it dances down memory lane, celebrating 20 years of Abbondànza!
uLethbridge student completes Whyte Museum internship amid facility closures Thea Sleight was able to safely complete a 12-week, paid internship at the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies despite facility closures. The experience confirms she has followed her passions to the career of her dreams.
uLethbridge students say thank you More than 2,000 scholarships were awarded to ulethbridge students this academic year. As the year comes to a close, students are sharing their words of gratitude to the donors who make scholarships a reality.
Abbondànza endowment provides record number of scholarships to Fine Arts students Thanks to 20 years of community support, the University of Lethbridge is excited to announce an astounding 30 scholarships were awarded from the Abbondànza Fine Arts Scholarship Endowment in the 2020/2021 academic year.