Shining Student Kort Woycheshin has made the most of his education at ULethbridge, exploring his interests in music, photography, writing and videography. His hard work in these areas led him to win several significant awards and scholarships, enhancing his educational experience. By building a critical set of skills through work-integrated learning and a multidisciplinary degree, Kort is setting himself up for success.
The Roloff Beny Award has allowed me to plan a trip to Manitoba to work on a project analyzing mental health and the men in my family. This award covered the travel cost and all of the film and equipment I needed to make this project happen. It’s truly a once in a lifetime opportunity I never would’ve had if I didn’t mistake Photography Studio I for a digital photography class.
Meet Kort. Photographer. Storyteller. Thrifter.
Program: Bachelor of Fine Arts - Multidisciplinary | Major: Multidisciplinary

Why did you choose to pursue fine arts at ULethbridge?
I originally came to ULethbridge for History and planned to pursue education afterwards. During my first year, I was making lots of videos for fun and taking photos of everything, and my older brother's friends noticed how much I enjoyed it and convinced me to switch to New Media. I had an interest in Digital Audio Arts and I thought multidisciplinary would work best for me. In the last two years, I took far more art courses than music, and pursued art as my second stream after new media instead.
What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?
The recent Fever.Dream.Blast. open studio exhibition was an incredible experience and something I will cherish forever. Being a part of the design and media team, I got first hand experience developing a marketing plan to generate hype for the event. I got to use my new media skills to create assets for the event and see my work posted all across campus. My photography work was displayed along with my senior studio that I occupied for the semester, and I was overjoyed with the comments I received from visitors in regards to my work. The open studios were an incredible display of the potential and excellence coming from ULethbridge and it's a step in the right direction for the Faculty of Fine Arts.
How have your professors or instructors impacted your education?
In the Fall 2022 semester, I took the Printing Without a Press course with Katie Bruce and Photography Studio I with David Miller. Both of these professors impacted my life tremendously and gave me an excellent amount of confidence in my artistic abilities. Both of these professors have been huge mentors in my academic and professional life and continue to support me beyond being enrolled in their classes.

Have you received any scholarships and awards?
I received the Roloff Beny Foundation Photographic Award, the David Lanier Memorial Award, and the Abbondànza Fine Arts Undergraduate Award. All these awards have enabled to me to pursue photography at the highest level without worrying about material or equipment costs.
The Roloff Beny Award has allowed me to plan a trip to Manitoba to work on a project analyzing mental health and the men in my family. This award covered the travel cost and all of the film and equipment I needed to make this project happen. It’s truly a once in a lifetime opportunity I never would’ve had if I didn’t mistake Photography Studio I for a digital photography class.
Tell us about your experiential or work-integrated learning opportunities at ULethbridge and how these have enhanced your education?
I worked in the School of Graduate Studies and Office of Research and Innovation Services as the Communications and Public Relations Assistant for eight months. This position gave me excellent confidence in my abilities and further developed my communication and team working skills. I met some incredible people and created relationships with many that would lead to further opportunities in the future.
My skills in photography and videography were further enhanced from working with the Communications, Marketing and Government Relations team and their in-house videographer, Austin Knibb, who’s become a good friend, mentor and taught me everything I know. I currently work as the Digital Signage Designer in a work-integrated learning role that has me working with the design team to create seats and messages for the TVs around campus. This has been a great chance to learn how institutions operate and develop marketing materials to effectively convey messages.
What are your hopes/plans for the future?
To continue photography and hopefully have my work in a gallery some day. I’d also love to open a studio/dark room and work on a commercial photography business.
What advice would you like to give those about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?
Take every opportunity you can, utilize your professors guidance, make relationships and connections with everyone, and do what fulfills you.

• Awards, scholarships & student supports
• Productions, exhibitions, concerts & more
• Applied studies, internships & a range of work experience
• Enhanced education opportunities locally, nationally and abroad
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