Dr. Michelle M. Hogue (MEd '04) "Science is foundational to the Indigenous paradigm and Indigenous people have been doing science since time immemorial." Dr. Michelle Hogue began her ULethbridge career nearly 30 years ago. Today, she's an Associate Professor and the Indigenous Student Success Cohort Program Coordinator.
Dr. Claudia Gonzalez (MSc '00, PhD '04) "Science is not a matter of opinion nor of personal choice. Science is universal, it is the human attempt to understand and explain nature."
Alicia Anderson (BSc '20) "If you find something you are truly passionate about, never let anything stop you from pursuing it. Limitations are self-imposed."
Small cohorts led to large opportunities for MFA graduate Tyler Muzzin A 45-minute phone call convinced Tyler Muzzin, recent MFA graduate, that the University of Lethbridge was the right place for him, as a student and an artist.
Repertoire selection inspires undergraduate student and faculty member to build aeolian harp Crossing Boundaries symposium inspired a creative pairing, between faculty and student, music and nature.
Becoming a Literacy Leader: Kacie Neamtu (BA/BEd ’11/MA ’20) Congratulations! Kacie Neamtu (BA/BEd ’11/MA ’20) has been honoured with the prestigious J. Estill Alexander Future Leaders in Literacy Award. The international award recognizes an outstanding thesis that exemplifies excellence in research in the field of literacy education.
Donor support helps train the next generation of scientists Dr. Roy Golsteyn’s (BSc ’84) Natural Product Laboratory has continues their quest to find the chemicals for the next wave of cancer treatments, making a difference in the lives of Canadians and inspiring students and donors alike.
When Teaching Runs in the Family: Carol, Brittany, and Greg Young Brittany Young (BA/BEd’17) grew up in a home filled with caring support as her parents returned from teaching each day to talk shop, sharing ideas and perspectives and, always, laughter.
From Interviews to Diversity in a Virtual World—COVID-19 From an HR Perspective Dhillon School of Business alumnus Chris Broughton (BMgt ’10) answers some of our Dhillon students’ questions about how COVID-19 has changed the business landscape and what the future may hold for employers and employees.
Fall Convocation 2020 Student Profile: Steve Rwasa Steve Rwasa, BMgt '20 explains how the Calgary Campus network made all the difference for his academic journey.
5 questions with shining graduate Sheadene Morrison (Drama/Education) Sheadene Morrison graduates this fall with a Bachelor of Arts (Drama) and Bachelor of Education (Dramatic Arts). Sheadene was nominated to be recognized as a Shining Graduate by Drama department chair, Jay Whitehead.
Wellness is Feeling Productive: Sally Leung (BA/BEd '17) When distance learning began some Grade Twos were feeling sad and didn’t understand why they were doing schoolwork at home. Sally Leung and fellow teacher Joel Stretch rode their bikes and visited each student. They played a variety of numeracy and literacy games outside with sidewalk chalk.
The five fears of business women on the edge of greatness Dhillon School of Business alumna Sarah Lajeunesse (BMgt ’12) recently sat down with Dhillon School of Business students and members of the community to talk about women in leadership.
Dr. Kevin Wood: First Graduate of the PhD Program in Education The Fall 2020 University of Lethbridge convocation honours Dr. Kevin Wood as the first graduate of the PhD program in Education. "I was so satisfied with my master’s program, that to have the same opportunity in a PhD was incredibly attractive, " says Dr. Kevin Wood.
You can make movies here? How a uLethbridge alumna went from never holding a camera, to Canada’s top young producer in just 10 years.
Taking flight together How could Sarah Russell (BA ’19) picture herself a university graduate when she’d never seen one in her family? How could she be expected to navigate an education system in a world with which she could not relate?
Teaching Multiple Literacies in Canadian Classrooms: Sarah Gagnon championed research on effective English language assessment practices in her uLethbridge Master of Education program.
A Community in the Middle of Nowhere When the rebuilt Masinasin School opened in 1950 it was shiny white and the four rooms were full of students in Grades 1-12. By its closing in 1996 the paint was peeling and there were 20 prospective students in Grades 1-6—not enough to stay viable.
So, You Want to Become a Teacher? Advice from Recent Grads: Charlene Oka Iinni’skim’akii Recent graduate of the Niitsitapi Teacher Education Program, Charlene Oka shares this advice for new students, "Never be afraid of the challenges, endure them. Those challenges mold you and prepare you for a very Big World!!"
So, You Want to Become a Teacher? Advice from Recent Grads: Nicole Perl (BA, BEd '20) Not only was I inspired by my mom to become a teacher, but she mentioned to me how incredible the U of L Faculty of Education program’s reputation is and…she was right!
So, You Want to Become a Teacher? Advice from Recent Grads: Ben Beland (BA, BEd '20) It’s going to go by SO FAST! Push yourself out of your comfort zone! First year is so exciting with all the new opportunities and experiences that you have access to, and I encourage everyone to take advantage of them, and try to meet as many people as you can.
Wellness is the Great Outdoors with Family: Beth Cormier (BA/BEd ’94) The Faculty of Education endeavours to model health and wellness to pre-service teachers in the hope they will do the same with their own future students and colleagues, and — in a trickledown effect — positively impact friends, family and beyond.
Learning and Teaching in Rural Schools “I developed learning skills through the patience of my teachers in a small school. That’s when I decided I was going to be a teacher.” — Janice Jensen
Bridging Neuroscience and Education “I chose the MEd Teaching, Learning and Neuroscience program because it is the only one offered in western Canada to bridge the three disciplines of psychology, neuroscience, and education."
Alumna Jess Fehr (BA ’09) shares her top three philanthropic tips A big misconception about philanthropy is that the only way to be philanthropic is to donate money. Learn how to start your own philanthropic journey with Jess's tips and tricks!