Play Right Prize helps students launch careers as script writers The true impact of student awards and scholarships can sometimes be measured through the success of students in their respective fields.
Ukrainian Emergency Bursary helps Pronghorns women’s basketball team welcome Ukrainian nationals Serendipitously, ULethbridge had just approved a new Ukrainian Emergency Bursary designed to assist current and new students. A total of 10 two-semester bursaries were approved, providing students with full tuition and housing.
Students to benefit from new TECTERRA bursaries Two new annual bursaries worth $10,000 each will give ULethbridge students studying remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) or geography a financial boost for the next five years thanks to a donation from TECTERRA.
Enhancing endowed support for students Acknowledging that increased financial support is critical in ensuring a university education remains an option for more students, the University of Lethbridge Board of Governors pledged $10 million in match funds for the establishment of new endowed student scholarships in 2022.
Crooks’ gift helps prepare students for the world of work The Crooks Work-Integrated-Learning Program in Liberal Education gives students like Alieza Cyr the opportunity to use what they learn in the classroom in a work setting.
Jarislowsky Foundation and Scotiabank invest in future leaders Dr. Susan Dieleman is the first Jarislowsky Chair in Trust and Political Leadership at ULethbridge.
Spirit Prize winner Nato’yi’kina’soyi, Hali Heavy Shield (BA/BEd ’06, MEd ’12) blends traditional and contemporary Blackfoot art practices PhD student Nato’yi’kina’soyi, Hali Heavy Shield (BA/BEd ’06, MEd ’12) is the 2023 winner of the Spirit Prize, an award for emerging Indigenous visual artists as they develop their careers and advance their artistic practices.
The Journey is the Destination Celebrating Dr. Mike Mahon, ULethbridge's sixth president and vice-chancellor. Dr. Mike Mahon has helped establish the University of Lethbridge as one of the country’s leading academic and research-intensive universities.
Introducing ULethbridge's 15th Chancellor New University of Lethbridge Chancellor Terry Whitehead (BA ’94) had no idea what he didn’t know when he began his first semester as a ULethbridge student in 1987 — what he soon discovered changed his life and set him on a path of discovery he’s still walking today.
Honouring a love of learning and community: An invitation to contribute to the Blaine Thacker Memorial Award Dr. Blaine Thacker (LLD ’06) was always fond of the University of Lethbridge. It is this fondness that inspires the Blaine Thacker Memorial Award, an endowed scholarship for graduate students conducting agricultural research.
Board of Governors pledges $10 million in match funds to support student scholarships Acknowledging that increased financial support is critical in ensuring a university education remains an option for more students, the University of Lethbridge Board of Governors is pledging $10 million in match funds for the establishment of new endowed student scholarships.
Lions Club donation aims to break down barriers for visually impaired students Lions Club, Picture Butte chapter, has donated $50,000 to help visually impaired ULethbridge students.
The University of Lethbridge, The Blackfoot Confederacy and The Mastercard Foundation: The Three Sisters of Indigenous education Recently, ULethbridge hosted representatives from the Mastercard Foundation and from institutions across Canada to share lessons, best practices, innovations and reflections from the past year and discuss how each partner is working to create systems change in the communities they serve.
Three ULethbridge students win Play Right Prize for compelling scripts From stories on the family of Albert Einstein, to a heart-racing plane crash, to meditations on the afterlife, these stories represent the breadth of curiosity and imagination that three University of Lethbridge students have.
Volunteering Your Way to Success Volunteering is the perfect balance between give and take – especially for students looking to one day land their dream career.
Dhillon School of Business benefactor appointed to Order of Canada The University of Lethbridge’s Dhillon School of Business’ benefactor and honourary degree recipient Dr. Navjeet (Bob) Dhillon (LLD ’19) has been appointed as Officer to the Order of Canada.
Our friends are your friends: How our partnership with MNP benefits students Industry partnerships benefit Dhillon School of Business (DSB) students in many ways. Here three DSB alumni explore how MNP has given back to our students through course content, assisting with job preparation and supporting career transitions.
Meet the EleV team: Building educational and employment pathways for Indigenous youth EleV has forged connections with Blackfoot political leadership and the team has built strong relationships within the Kainai Nation, Siksika Nation and Piikani Nation communities to promote education and employment for prospective and current students.
Giving Tuesday exceeds goals and generates support for student food security Over the course of the day, donors chose to give back in several ways, buying breakfast for students, raising funds for the ULSU Food Bank and Little Library Food Pantries, and collecting non-perishable food items.
Advancing Indigenous ways of knowing On September 30, 2021, Canada solemnly paused in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Throughout the week, the ULethbridge reflected on a painful, unjust part of Canadian history on the broadest of scales, committing to continue to take actions to build a better tomorrow.
Dr. Dennis Connolly has supported students throughout his 54-year career Dr. Dennis Connolly (LLD ’17) started teaching mathematics in 1967, when ULethbridge was a mere fledgling, and he’s been a fixture ever since. An excellent teacher, he willingly gives his time and support to students and the community.
Dr. Cor Van Raay helps secure the future of agribusiness in southern Alberta Cor Van Raay had his eye on the future of the area when he donated funds to establish the Cor Van Raay Southern Alberta Agribusiness Program.
Being future ready through Insight A six micro-course seminar program designed to enhance what von Heyking calls “human skills”, the Insight Series is squarely focused on the changing nature of the business world and its added emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, adaptability and collaboration.
Dr. Navjeet (Bob) Dhillon helps prepare students for careers in a connected world On March 14, 2018, Dr. Navjeet (Bob) Dhillon [], founder, president and CEO of Mainstreet Equity Corporation, pledged a $10-million gift to the University of Lethbridge, the
Alum Terry Whitehead nurtures aspiring writers with new award Terry Whitehead (BA '94) founded the U of L Bridge Prize and the Play Right Prize, competitions intended to motivate the next generation of creative minds and foster the future careers of playwrights and creative writers.