Q&A with Shining Graduate Jared Gyorffy Jared Gyorffy (BFA '20) is a recent graduate in the Faculty of Fine Arts, earning a degree in new media with great distinction in 2020.
Avery Raine finishes her education a winner Avery Raine (BA '22) took a risk moving to Lethbridge for post-secondary, but says she is immensely grateful for the time she has spent earning her degree at the University of Lethbridge.
Colton Vanhooren hopes to make his research a reality As Colton Vanhooren (BFA '22) finishes his degree, he is looking ahead to his next adventure and reflecting on the experiences that inspired him along the way.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Dr. Chinenye Nmanma Nwoke PhD graduate in population studies in health Dr. Chinenye Nmanma Nwoke is setting the foundation for research on maternal depression and anxiety disorders among African immigrant women in Alberta.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Dr. David McWatters Biomolecular science graduate Dr. David McWatters (PhD '22) reflects on the experiences he had during his time at ULethbridge. Biomolecular Science is a multidisciplinary program that enables go-getters like David to thrive.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Silvo Hernesniemi "Maintain your desire to learn" says Master of Science in health sciences grad Silvo Hernesniemi. Research methodologies and the exploration of knowledge fueled the fire for Silvo at ULethbridge.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Abrar Bin Darda New Master of Science in Management policy and strategy grad speaks on his research, pursuing a master's during the pandemic and his experience with ULethbridge staff and faculty.
Connecting with School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Music, Carmen Letourneau Master of Music graduate Carmen Letourneau speaks on being a part of hybrid recitals, early lockdown life, and the interconnectedness of music with psychology, sociology, physiology and neurology.
Q&A with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate Sean deVisser Dhillon School of Business Bachelor of Management graduate Sean deVisser (BMgt '22) majored in finance and has high hopes for continuing to grow his knowledge and ability in the financial world. Read about important lessons he learned, his advice to new students and more.
Q&A with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate Ashley Drought When uLethbridge student Ashley Drought (BMgt '22) wanted to see if her accounting major was the right fit for her, she turned to co-operative education to help her test-drive an accounting career. How did it turn out? Learn about Ashley's experience and the lessons she learned along the way.
Q&A with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate Shelby Reed Ulethbridge graduate and accounting major Shelby Reed (BMgt '22) chose to study accounting because of her love of numbers and organization. Shelby, who has already landed a full-time job, speaks about the difference taking her time getting her degree made to her educational journey and more.
Q&A with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate Kyra Ergang Dhillon School of Business graduate Kyra Engang (BMgt '22) wasn't planning on staying at uLethbridge after her first year. What made the finance major and marketing minor change her mind? Find out the answer to that, how Kyra dealt with uncomfortable experiences and what became her inspiring motto.
Q&A with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate Saarthak Kumar Dhillon School of Business grad Saarthak Kumar (BMgt '22) tells us about his experience participating in research with faculty, how the Dhillon Business Student Association (DBSA) helped him prevail through the pandemic and the advice he wishes all new students would take.
Q&A with shining graduate Kelsey Dellosa Kelsey Dellosa (BFA/BMgt '22) started her post-secondary experience with the Faculty of Fine Arts. Then, thanks to a well-timed scholarship, decided to pursue a Combined Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Management. Here Kelsey shares her most memorable experiences and lessons she's learned.
Q&A with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate Andrew Belisle Dhillon School of Business accounting major Andrew Belisle (BMgt '22) used co-op to hone his skills and make himself attractive to potential employers. Here he talks about what contributed to his success, including how he managed to get four offers from top recruiters by graduation.
Co-operative Education experiences shape Jenna Sullivan’s confidence and career direction As Jenna Sullivan (BSc Co-op ‘22) prepares to walk across the stage to receive her Bachelor of Science in biochemistry, she reflects on the ULethbridge experiences that helped shape her journey, particularly co-op.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Julisha Roache Julisha Roache (BA '22) took advantage of work-integrated-learning opportunities at ULethbridge. As part of her honours thesis, she examined how the process of racialization affects the social identity of Caribbean immigrants in Canada.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Mollie Riley Mollie Riley (BA '22) graduates this spring with Great Distinction for her Bachelor of Arts majoring in history. At ULethbridge, Mollie was able to participate in experiential learning that helped shape her experience by providing tremendous learning and growth opportunities.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Zoie Hansen Zoie Hansen (BSc Co-op '22) graduates with Distinction this spring with a Bachelor of Science in psychology, and the Co-operative Education designation. Her pursuit of experiential education took her to Denmark and Hungary and helped shape her understanding of the world and what lies ahead.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Kathleen Mah Kathleen Mah (BA '22) has an incredibly exciting summer planned that will take across the country and as far as Portugal! She is off to two conferences where she will present her research work on the Freedom movement.
Q&A with Shining Graduate David Awosoga After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics, David Awosoga (BSc '22) is off to the University of Waterloo to pursue a Master's Degree in Data Science in the Fall.
Monica Lockett lands dream job before graduating The path to a dream job was paved by challenging and rewarding opportunities for Monica Lockett (BA' 22). As a mature student, Monica was determined to make the most out of her education. Monica is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology.
"Build relationships with your cohort. They are the key to your success and lasting friendships," Andrew Doyle (BA/BEd '10, MEd '20) "Build relationships with your cohort. They are the key to your success and lasting friendships," Andrew Doyle (BA/BEd '10, MEd '20).
Q&A with Shining Graduate Sydney Shade, Míínaakii Dhillon School of Business student Sydney Shade, Míínaakii (BMgt '22) is proud to be crossing the stage to receive her degree in Accounting.
ULethbridge art department significantly shapes Courtney Faulkner’s artistic practice Courtney Faulkner has made memories to last a lifetime during her time as a student at the University of Lethbridge. As they prepare to cross the stage and begin their next journey, Courtney reflects on their time spent at ULethbridge.