Q&A with Shining Graduate Dr. Chinenye Nmanma Nwoke PhD graduate in population studies in health Dr. Chinenye Nmanma Nwoke is setting the foundation for research on maternal depression and anxiety disorders among African immigrant women in Alberta.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Dr. David McWatters Biomolecular science graduate Dr. David McWatters (PhD '22) reflects on the experiences he had during his time at ULethbridge. Biomolecular Science is a multidisciplinary program that enables go-getters like David to thrive.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Silvo Hernesniemi "Maintain your desire to learn" says Master of Science in health sciences grad Silvo Hernesniemi. Research methodologies and the exploration of knowledge fueled the fire for Silvo at ULethbridge.
Q&A with Shining Graduate Abrar Bin Darda New Master of Science in Management policy and strategy grad speaks on his research, pursuing a master's during the pandemic and his experience with ULethbridge staff and faculty.
Connecting with School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Music, Carmen Letourneau Master of Music graduate Carmen Letourneau speaks on being a part of hybrid recitals, early lockdown life, and the interconnectedness of music with psychology, sociology, physiology and neurology.
"Build relationships with your cohort. They are the key to your success and lasting friendships," Andrew Doyle (BA/BEd '10, MEd '20) "Build relationships with your cohort. They are the key to your success and lasting friendships," Andrew Doyle (BA/BEd '10, MEd '20).
Shining Student Olivia Marasco Shining Student Olivia Marasco (BSc Co-op '19) chose uLethbridge for her graduate degree because of the quality mentorship she received in her undergraduate degree.
"I would like to make design education a little bit more caring about the people in it,” Naoko Masuda Naoko Masuda's goal in taking the master’s program is to become a better educator. “I want to be able to relate to students better as individual human beings. I would like to make design education a little bit more caring about the people in it.”
Shining Student Elizabeth Trofimenkoff Shining Student Elizabeth Trofimenkoff grew up just outside of Lethbridge. She chose to study at the U of L to stay close to family as well as the smaller class sizes and research opportunities.
Five questions with Health Services Management student Dr. Sabahat Nazim First-year student Dr. Sabahat Nazim, who previously worked as a paediatrician in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, talks about why she chose uLethbridge's Master's of Health Services Management (MHSM) and what the journey has been like so far.
Shining Student Piiksipitaakii, Andrea True Joy Fox Shining Student Andrea True Joy Fox (Piiksipitaakii) (BA/BEd '09) chose to complete her graduate studies at the University of Lethbridge because she had an incredible undergrad experience where she shared meaningful connections with colleagues and instructors.
ULethbridge Post-Doctoral Fellow: Optimizing the Future As computational power grows faster, the problems become more complex. Optimization is at the heart of success when it comes to solving computer problems efficiently. Post-doctoral fellow Sajad Fathi Hafshejani aims to keep up with the ever-evolving computational power of the future.
Meeting of the Minds 2022: Images of Research Images of Research highlights ULethbridge graduate students' work. With a remarkable breadth and depth of research, submissions to the photography competition includes fascinating imagery few people have the opportunity to enjoy otherwise.
Fill industry demand for data analytical skills with Dr. Feng Jiao Dr. Feng Jiao understands better than most the power of data and business analytics to improve financial performance. Thankfully, Dr. Jiao shares his knowledge with students in the course- and project-based MSc (Mgt) Business Analytics concentration.
Driving Business Decisions Through Data The Dhillon School of Business new MSc (Mgt) Business Analytics concentration takes number crunching to a whole new level.
Dr. Jon Doan (PhD '06), associate professor, Department of Kinesiology & Physical Education Dr. Jon Doan works hard and plays hard. He teaches biomechancs and conducts research in Parkinson's disease and biomechanics and, off the job, stays active through sports and volunteering.
A Counselling Psychology Program Respected Across Canada: Dr. Kerry Bernes The work of Dr. Kerry Bernes and his colleagues is so successful that the Faculty of Education now boasts counselling psychology programs respected across Canada, with applicants coming from far and wide to meet the growing demand for registered psychologists.
Master of Nursing or Master of Science in Nursing: What’s the difference? Nurses play a vital role in health care, throughout the pandemic and beyond. Learning the skills necessary to adapt and evolve can help you succeed in the profession. But should you take an MN or a MSc in Nursing? Here’s how to decide.
Dr. Amy von Heyking: High-quality education systems are created through rigorous and collaborative accountability systems Curriculum-development research has been a passion for Dr. Amy von Heyking, who has examined history curriculum across Canada, along with educational policy surrounding curriculum development and implementation. It's a topic in the news with the Draft Alberta Education K-6 Curriculum.
Wellness and Gratitude: "Spending time with family and friends is really at the heart of everything," Daphne Sander (BA/BEd ’92, MEd '11) "I’m very fortunate. Not to say that there haven't been challenges along the way — there certainly have been — but I recognize that I have a lot of good in my life and the pandemic has reminded me to celebrate that," Daphne Sander (BA/BEd '92, MEd '11).
Harnessing Biological Information in a Data-Driven World Bioinformatics allows us to analyze and understand large amount of information, helping us with everything from personalizing cancer treatments to making agriculture more sustainable.
The Field of Science that's Hot and Getting Hotter Rapid growth in bioinformatics means a surge of job opportunities in the field, both across the country and around the world.
Bioinformatics: Unravelling Complex Biological Data The uLethbridge Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics at aims to demystify bioinformatics and help students harness the power of analysis and interpretation for a wide range of applications, combining computer programming, data analysis and biology.
Joel Tailfeathers, Natoyiinniimaa (BA'05, BEd'07, MEd'21) ambition for furthering his education has resulted in career success Education has always been a passion for Joel Tailfeathers (BA'05, BEd'07, MEd’21). After spending years teaching in the city of Lethbridge, his decision to pursue grad school to become an administrator was a goal Joel accomplished in his time as a student.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 from the School of Graduate Studies Congratulations everyone! Here are some inspiring stories and words of encouragement to take with you as you continue to the next chapter in your life.