Graduate student profile: Ryan Waldorf (MSc) Ryan Woldorf wants to know what resources and support is given to male caregivers of spouses with dementia.
Chess Gives At-risk Youth a Chance As part of a unique youth sentencing initiative, uLethbridge faculty member Dr. Lance Grigg, a multidisciplinary team of researchers and graduate students, and a Provincial Court of Alberta judge are exploring how chess affects youths' thought-processes and decision-making.
Graduate Student Profile: Takara Motz, (MSc) Seeing the impact in those she cared for, Takara researched the effects of racially-motivated housing discrimination on Indigenous students
Graduate Student Profile: Noëlle Sedgwick, MN Noëlle's practical hospital experience taught her much about the relationship between rural culture and end-of-life care.
Advancing Alternative Health Care Dr. Wendy Takeda's journey to improve her patients’ entire well-being through acupuncture has led her to establish a student scholarship and collaborate with uLethbridge researchers.
Rebuilding in Nepal Alumna Janelle Pritchard (BN '12), an operating-room nurse in Calgary, has an infectious passion for helping the people of Nepal.