Xavier Crosby (BA '23) finished in the top ten in the nation in Men's Weight Throw, yet some of his biggest accomplishments came off the field as a leader in the classroom and champion for university clubs, including ULethbridge Pre-Law Society, Association of Political Science Students and Disc Golf Club.
The only limit on what you can accomplish at ULethbridge is the limit that you place on yourself. We may not be the biggest campus or located in the busiest city, but we have some of the best people out there and you can do anything here. So punch above your weight, challenge your own expectations and blow everyone's mind.
Meet Xavier. Pronghorn athlete. Future law student. Disc golf enthusiast.
Hometown: High Level, Alberta
Program: Bachelor of Arts and Science | Major: Political Science
What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?
My most memorable ULethbridge experience isn't a single event; rather, it's the many late nights I spent in the library with my friends and teammates. Over the past five years, I have made countless funny, heartwarming, exhausting, and meaningful memories studying late into the night. Those late-night library sessions taught me what it means to be a student, they gave me a foundation with which I have built many lasting friendships, and I know it taught a lot of people that I definitely struggle to stay focused and that I love to talk. The library was never only about studying for me; it was about friends, community and a shared goal (which was often to get our assignments done by midnight).
What is the most important lesson you learned during your time at ULethbridge?
The most important lesson I learned at ULethbridge is this: you are never "too good". You are never too cool to join in a residence icebreaker event. You aren't too smart to need to visit your prof's office hours. You aren't always going to have the best grades. And that's ok. ULethbridge taught me that you aren't supposed to be any of those things. You need other people, and you need your friends, your profs, your family. I learned that it is ok to lean on those around you, it's ok to ask for help, and just because you aren't "too good" doesn't mean you aren't "good enough".
Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?
I can't talk about individuals who have had an important influence on my time at ULethbridge without mentioning two important people. Towards my development as an athlete, leader and friend, no one has done more than my coach, Larry Steinke. Larry taught me to build on failure, celebrate success and always aspire for more. Larry brought me into his program with no experience in the event I was going to pursue and rock-bottom confidence. His unwavering support and belief have shaped me into a multi-time national finalist, and I have learned to believe in myself. Larry loves to play the devil's advocate, not because he always disagrees, but because he knows that there is always more than one way to see a problem - the ability to question and push back is the greatest gift that Larry has given me.
In regards to my academics, no one has had an impact that comes close to rivalling that of Dr. Yale Belanger. I first met Professor Belanger in my second semester when I took his Canadian Politics Class. In our last class together, I introduced myself as a "student of the Belanger school of thought". Over the past five years, I have had the privilege of taking many (probably too many) classes with Professor Belanger and getting my academic teeth kicked in more than once. Professor Belanger has helped me to push for success in the classroom by always asking me to dive deeper, develop my ideas more clearly, and not settle for the easy answer. I truly believe that I would not have been half as successful in my academic pursuits if it were not for the guidance and tutelage of Professor Belanger.
Did you receive scholarships and awards?
I was incredibly fortunate to receive several scholarships and awards throughout my time at ULethbridge. Balancing my studies, athletics, and personal life was a massive challenge, and I often felt like I was going to fail. The different scholarships and awards that I received throughout my time at ULethbridge were a massive reprieve from this stress. The generosity of award donors allowed me to take a deep breath, knowing that some of the weight had been lifted and focus on doing the absolute best I could throughout every challenge that came at me.
What have you gained from the liberal education experience at ULethbridge?
The Liberal Education Experience at the University of Lethbridge is truly what separates our institution from any other. At ULethbridge, I have gained an appreciation for a diverse range of academic fields, I learned how to engage with topics from a multitude of perspectives, and I developed the critical thinking skills required to be an active and engaged citizen. I feel like the biggest takeaway that I have from my liberal education experience is the desire to question "why" - why is this the way things are done? Can we do it differently? Why is it important?
What are your hopes/plans for the future?
In the future, I hope to find success and fulfillment at the University of Calgary, where I will be beginning the Juris Doctor program in September 2024. After completing Law school, I hope to find a job that brings me happiness, build a family that loves me and live a life that makes me happy.
What advice would you like to give those who are about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?
The only limit on what you can accomplish at ULethbridge is the limit that you place on yourself. We may not be the biggest campus or located in the busiest city, but we have some of the best people out there, and you can do anything here. So punch above your weight, challenge your own expectations and blow everyone's mind.

Congratulations, Xavier! Go Horns!
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