Welcome to New Student Orientation!
Our staff have spent all summer ensuring that your post-secondary experience continues to be as exciting, impactful and robust as it would be in a non-pandemic year! This starts with the NSO-in-a-box that many of you received. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible for us to ship all over the world like we would have liked, so we have compiled a virtual version of the box so that you can see how excited we are to welcome you to the University of Lethbridge!
Don't forget, if you haven't had a chance to sign up for your various faculty welcome events or the New Student Celebration on September 8th, click here to get registered!

Commencement Coin
Learn how your Commencement Coin can get you discounts at Lethbridge businesses by checking it out here. Check out our PACT club on social media throughout this semester to find out more about this program.
Don't forget: KEEP YOUR COIN! There will be endless opportunities to use it over the next few years.

Get to know your fellow students!

Calgary Campus Support

International Student Orientation Welcome
The International Centre has so much to offer! We offer immigration and cultural supports and guidance to new and continuing internationals students, and we also offer education abroad and volunteering opportunities to all uLethbridge students!
Pronghorns Recreation & Athletics

Notes from Career Bridge

Visit the Library (virtually of course!)

Get support with your finances!