Putting Parkinson's on Ice A team of uLethbridge researchers, led by Dr. Jon Doan (PhD '06) is investigating skating and stickhandling skills as forms of therapy.
Coding the iCub – Making Connections with Cognitive Robotics An international partnership between University of Lethbridge neuroscience professor Dr. Matthew Tata and Dr. Francesco Rea (Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa) has given three undergraduate students the unique opportunity to work on an independent study focused on cognitive robotics.
Making Waves in Swimming & STEM – Leah Troskot Home for the summer, Leah is putting theory into practice while working on the Destination Project, before she heads off to the 2017 Canadian Swimming Championships this week.
Elijah Dueck: Art Meets Science As a liberal education institution, it’s not uncommon to come across students who excel in both the arts and the sciences. Never has a truer example emerged than fourth-year Biochemistry major, Elijah ‘Eli’ Dueck.