PhD student Narasimha Reddy Gosala is drawn to the profound questions tackled by physics, especially as it relates to unravelling the mysteries of the universe. His research at the University of Lethbridge delves into understanding the interplay between gravity and strong nuclear forces, focusing on the influence of gravitational waves on early cosmological processes.
The most important lesson I am taking away from doing research is patience. Nothing will be completed quickly. Great things require time. You should also have a great deal of patience if you want to solve the Universe's mysteries.
Meet Narasimha | Physicist. Animal Lover.
Program: Doctor of Philosophy | Major: Theoretical & Computational Science
Hometown: Kavali, India
Why did you choose ULethbridge?
I love to unravel the mysteries of the universe and the professors at ULethbridge are trying to understand the deep, important questions. I wanted to do my PhD under the supervision of those professors, so I joined ULethbridge.
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What is your research based on?
My research is to understand the connection among the four forces, more specifically between gravity and strong nuclear forces. I am trying to understand the influence of gravitational waves on cosmological processes that happened in the early universe, such as the separation of electroweak force, formation of protons, neutrons, etc.
I get to learn new things about the universe every day, which I absolutely love.
The most important lesson I am taking away from doing research is patience. Nothing will be completed quickly. Great things require time. You should also have a great deal of patience if you want to solve the universe's mysteries. Furthermore, I plan to dedicate my entire life to conducting research in physics.
How have your professors impacted your education?
My supervisor, Dr. Arundhati Dasgupta, taught me that it's not always advisable to focus on just one area of research. You must constantly be prepared for advancements in science. Stay receptive to ideas at all times. Additionally, the best method to learn is to educate others.
Narasimha’s scientific training and spirit of enquiry is excellent. He is also a very capable teacher and works with junior students very well. Narasimha is an asset to the physics community. – Dr. Arundhati Dasgupta, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Have you received any scholarships and awards?
I received three scholarships, and they helped me a lot in my research. As a result, I worry a lot less about money and am able to put my entire effort into my research.
I would like to thank my sponsors: ULethbridge, for granting the SGS Tuition Scholarship; Mitacs, for another scholarship; and the Government of Alberta for providing the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I usually go to the gym four to five times a week, which helps me keep my body in control. I also go for walks very frequently.
What are your hopes/plans for the future?
I hope to continue physics research.

Photos submitted by Narasimha.