While Connor Bunnage knew he wanted to study kinesiology for his undergraduate degree, he wasn't so sure about what to do after. Through participating in a couple of independent studies in his final year, the answer became clear.

"Both were fantastic learning occasions due in large part to the high quality of the professors. Working with them inspired me to pursue a master's degree in kinesiology."

Meet Connor | Determined. Affable. Curious.
Program: Master of Science in Kinesiology

Why did you choose ULethbridge?
I chose ULethbridge for my bachelor’s because I wanted to learn kinesiology and heard they have a good program. I also lived in Lethbridge, so it was a no-brainer for me. For my master’s, I chose ULethbridge because it allowed me to study a highly interesting topic with a great supervisor.

Did you know what you wanted to study before you came to ULethbridge?
Yes, mostly. I knew kinesiology was the degree for me, but what to do afterward took most of my undergrad years to figure out.

How have your professors impacted your education?
I’ll answer this question by highlighting my independent studies in the last year of my undergrad. I knew nothing about independent studies until a professor invited me to do one with them, which I accepted. This steered me towards a second independent study with another professor. Both were fantastic learning occasions due in large part to the high quality of those professors. Furthermore, working with them inspired me to pursue a master's degree in kinesiology.

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?
Finishing the last exam of my undergraduate degree. I remember waiting for the finality of it all to hit me, but it took until graduation day to sink in. Other than that, there is a blur of memories of late nights at the library, studying and working on projects with friends, meetings with professors, classes, etc., all of which I remember fondly. 

In your free time, what do you like to do?
I enjoy family outings with my wife and daughter, DJing, making electronic dance music, and playing strategic board games. 

What are your hopes and plans for the future?
I am preparing to welcome our second daughter to the family (soon) and hope to make it through a tough stats class. In the longer term, I just want to use the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired here at the university to provide a good life for my family.   

What advice would you like to give those about beginning their journey at ULethbridge?
Find a topic that interests you or a professor you like and do an independent study. I think they’re available at all levels and are absolutely worth it. You will learn way more than you could in a class while developing skills in writing, finding, and reading literature. They are also a good way to determine if a master's is for you, and you get valuable one-on-one time with whoever oversees it.