Madison Demers (BSc/BEd '23) pursued both her passion for biology and teaching others through the combined degrees option offered at the University of Lethbridge. Now a teacher, Demers says her time at ULethbridge set her up for success in the field.
The most important lesson I learned during my time at ULethbridge was to always utilize your resources and reach out for help when you require it. As an educator and working along with others, I am always sure to seek support from my teammates at my school and help others when they need it.
Meet Madison: Adventurous. Curious. Community-oriented.
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta
Program: Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education
What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?
One of the pivotal moments for me was in my integrative plant biology class with Dr. Elizabeth Schultz, I got to use UV epifluorescence microscopy in order to compare Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepard's purse) and Physallis sp. (Tomatillo) and their pollen tube growth from the stigma of the flower all the way to the ovary of the flower. It was one of the most exciting things I got to do in biology, as I loved to focus on plant community ecology and plant genetics.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?
One of my instructors, Dr. Doug Checkley (BSc/BEd β05, MEd β10, PhD β20), supported me throughout my time in the Faculty of Education, and I could not have completed my two degrees without him. He helped guide my future teaching paradigms that I now use in my classroom and utilize every day. He is still a teacher I reach out to when I need support in my work and he will be a forever resource that I will use in the future. I was able to look at education in a different way after his class, and it forever shaped what I wanted to do with my education degree after I graduated. I now have a clear vision of what I want for my classroom and how I want to support my students.
* General (Literacies & Numeracies) major
* Educational Leadership major
- Reinvigorate your practice while teaching
- Create change you're passionate about
- Build on your inspiration, experience and skill
- Enjoy support and shared learning in a cohort
Did you receive scholarships and awards? If so, please tell us a bit about how they helped you throughout your studies.
I received the Chinook Summer Research Award, several bursaries, and Faculty of Education scholarships. These helped me get through my education so I was able to get groceries, go to classes and focus more closely on my courses. I am so grateful for the scholarships and awards I received at ULethbridge.
What have you gained from the liberal education experience at ULethbridge?
I learned that there are other things that interested me outside of biology. I got to explore a broader type of education beyond my focus and got to enhance my biology degree with multiple worldviews and perspectives from other subjects.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?
Currently, I have started my career as a teacher for a specialized mental health program and I love it. I support students with severe internalizing behaviours, I support them to reach emotional and social learning goals and academic goals based on the individual needs of the student.
What advice would you give those who are about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?
Explore what you love and encourage growth in yourself. Advocate for yourself and others always and encourage growth within your community. Take care of your community and those around you.
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