Austin Knibb (BFA – New Media ’20) started his career before graduating, taking on videography and photography work for the University of Lethbridge Advancement Office. During a time when he should have been donning his cap and walking the stage with his fellow classmates, Austin took on the task of bringing convocation to their homes instead, creating the 2020 Convocation Video.
We asked Austin about his experience at uLethbridge, and what it means to be part of an at-home convocation celebration.
“In creating the video for virtual convocation, I have personally read the name of every graduate and I feel a lot of pressure to make it special for them. I am very impressed with the amount of effort uLethbridge is putting into convocation and celebrating this year’s graduates, instead of just cancelling the event. All the behind the scenes effort is truly commendable and I can tell that uLethbridge truly cares about their students.”

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?
When I started at the U of L, I really had no clue what I wanted to do. My grades really reflected that as I was only taking classes that I thought would get me a “good paying” job. When I switched my major to New Media with a focus on photo and video, my whole life changed for the better. I was happier, did better in my classes, was more interested in what I was learning, and I started my career while also being a full-time student.
Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your time at uLethbridge?
The professors in the department of New Media, in particular, were all incredibly supportive throughout my degree and continue to keep in touch with me after as well. I am also thankful to the Advancement Office as I completed my internship requirement with them and was able to apply the knowledge and skills I gained as a student.
What is the most important lesson you learned?
The most important lesson I learned is to not “follow the money”; instead,
do what you love. If you can put 100% into what it is you love to do, it will work out. Be patient, work hard, and never stop learning.
What are your hopes/plans for the future?
My plans for the future include making a living by being creative: to be able to share stories and make peoples stories heard in the world.
What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary journeys?
Find what you like doing and pursue that. Failing at something you were not meant to do, but you feel obligated to, has to be one of the most discouraging things to experience. Take classes that align with your passions and make that your priority.
The old saying “do what you love to do, and you will never work a day in your life” is NOT true. It will be hard, there will be days you love it and days that you hate it, but never forget why you started. In recalling why you started, you rediscover your passion and that fuels you to keep going.