Message from Trisha Henschel (MEd), Executive Director

Dear Calgary Campus Grads,
Congratulations. You did it!
Under “normal” circumstances completing your degree is a major accomplishment. Completing your program in these unprecedented times is nothing short of amazing. In the face of a global pandemic, and a classroom that was more or less flipped upside down, you have shown tremendous perseverance, resilience and determination.
We know that this isn’t the celebration that you would have wanted, we also would have preferred to send you off with our usual pomp and circumstance.
Take the time to celebrate this important milestone with your friends, your fellow students, your family and all of the people in your life who helped make it happen.
You’ve earned it - You deserve it!
Connect with us on social media, engage with your Alumni Association and keep in touch so that we can continue to share in your successes and to offer support and encouragement in your struggles.
You always have a home at the University of Lethbridge and on the Calgary Campus.
Trisha Henschel, Executive Director
Calgary Campus
University of Lethbridge