It’s been a year like no other. And through it all, University of Lethbridge donors have been there showing their support every step of the way.
“Despite all the challenges 2020 presented, our community came together in profound and impactful ways,” says University of Lethbridge President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mike Mahon. “From supporting the Emergency Student Bursary this spring and helping our students navigate the financial challenges COVID-19 presented, to ongoing support of scholarships, programs and research, donors have made a tremendous difference at the U of L and in the lives our students.”
More than 2,000 scholarships were awarded to ulethbridge students this academic year. As the year comes to a close, they share words of gratitude to the donors who make scholarships a reality.
“The Abbondànza scholarship made it possible for me to cover my University housing expenses for the upcoming spring semester and afford some additional technology to successfully continue my new media projects, the most important one being my MFA thesis. As an international student from a low-income single parent family, an education in a prestigious Canadian university such as the University of Lethbridge would not have been possible without financial support. Your help has put me one step closer to pursuing my dreams and a career in the broader new media field, for which I am forever grateful.”
Anna Nikolova
Graduate student, New Media
"Scholarships have helped me focus on my studies! I don't have to worry so much about paying for school. I can spend my time studying and with my husband and be a better mom to my four kids. I am excited to be studying methods of felting at uLethbridge while I stay at home in Magrath. I hope to study computer aided design to learn 3D printing and laser cutting to make crafting easier in the theatrical world."
Carla Simon
Graduate student, Dramatic Arts
"I want to express my deep gratitude to the donors who made the scholarship I received possible. Without your support, I could not have come to Canada to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor. My wife and daughter also thank you, as they have happily joined me on this journey. "
Ulises Charles Rodriguez
PhD student, Population Studies in Health

"I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in agriculture, a concentration in geographical information science and a minor in economics. This year has been exceptionally difficult because I have not been able to return home to Whitehorse, Yukon, due to COVID-19 restrictions and border closures. Scholarships have helped me to cover the extra expenses I have incurred as a result of living away from my family all year, and I have been able to focus on excelling in my studies. I am very excited to be completing my undergraduate degree this year so I can continue onto a master’s degree, to further contribute to the academic world of science. The world is wide-open and full of potential for me, especially because of the generosity donors such as yourselves have shown."
Kataya Ulrich
Fourth-year Bachelor of Science student, agriculture
"When I received my scholarship this year, I took this as a sign from the Universe that I am on the right path and that I am abundantly supported in doing so. It helped me so much, especially this semester. The scholarship came at the exact moment I needed to change my life drastically. It provided me with a stable backbone of financial support in this trying time in my life and I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, am tremendously grateful.”
Jaylene Murphy-Wolfe
Second-year Bachelor of Arts student, sociology
"Between raising a family of two little boys, working part time and working to complete my combined degree program, receiving a scholarship this year was an unexpected and amazing gift! After working so hard to achieve my academic goals, receiving the scholarship not only validates my hard work but has given me motivation and confidence to keep moving forward! I have goals beyond post-secondary education and I know this kind of generosity will help me meet them as well. Thank you so much to the donors who made the scholarship possible. This assistance will bless my family in more ways than I can even imagine and lift some of the pressure we have faced while I attend school full time.”
Riley Flexhaug
Fourth-year Bachelor of Education/Arts students, social studies and sociology
"I would just like to say thank you to the donors who made scholarships possible for me. This year has been an especially hard one, for everyone I think, and I was no longer able to work like I normally do during the school year. Scholarships made all the difference this year. I am able to continue through my education with less stress, something I will be forever grateful for. In hard times, as this year has been, it is the kindness and generosity that shine through. Thank you for being a part of the light in my life this year.”
Michelle Bright
Fifth-year Bachelor of Science and Education (mathematics and general science), math, physics and psychology