Kathryn DeLucia-Burk chose the University of Lethbridge after immigrating from the United States to Canada. She moved to be with her wife, Emily, who was living here at the time. At ULethbridge, she found a strong community of passionate student advocates and activists.
Through volunteering with and then working for the Campus Collective Centre, I found a strong community and a place to foster accountability from the University to its students and support students in need.
Meet Kathryn | Organizer. Writer. Artist.
Program: Bachelor of Arts | Major: Women & Gender Studies
Please tell us about your work-integrated learning experiences at ULethbridge?
For the duration of the 2020/2021 school year, I worked as a research assistant under the advisory of a team of environmental science and psychology professors. Through applied studies, I was able to get credit for my work in community organizing by building the groundwork for a climate action organization, the Climate Hub of Southern Alberta. I worked to build policy and governance structure while also advocating for local, sustainable practices in energy and food production, focusing on climate justice.
I have also had the opportunity to work under Dr. Suzanne Lenon, the Board of Governors Teaching Chair, to conduct an environmental scan and status report on how universities across Canada navigate gender diversity academically, administratively, and socially.
What has been your most memorable ULethbridge experience?
Of the many, one moment stands out specifically. In 2019, my short story submission was selected for second place in the Bridge Prize. It was the first time I had ever submitted my own writing to any kind of competition, and it was an honour to be selected. I have been writing fiction for over two decades, and it was a truly validating moment.
What is the most important lesson you have learned so far at Lethbridge?
Bringing about change requires a degree of belligerence. Perseverance and indignation are useful tools when met with indifference.
Is there someone specific who has had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?
Each faculty member in the Department of Women & Gender Studies has had a major impact on my academic experiences and goals. The lessons and opportunities that I found in their classrooms have given me a great many tools to take on present and future challenges.
What advice would you give to those who are about to begin their ULethbridge journey?
Find your community. Make connections. Find people that inspire you and support you. Value your time, your agency, and your mental health. Examine everything, including yourself. Question your bias and speak with empathy.
Favourite class: Women & Gender Studies 2300: Feminist Theory, Feminist Lives
Favourite social activity at ULethbridge: Any time not spent in a Zoom lecture where I can share spaces with other students
Favourite place to study: On the couches in the Campus Collective Centre

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