Tannis Chartier found her vocation in Therapeutic Recreation, first completing a diploma and now pursuing a bachelor's degree in the field. She's currently in her third year and combines her studies with work in a physical rehabilitation unit.

Meet Tannis: Extrovert | Compassionate | Great sense of humour.
Program: Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation

Why did you choose ULethbridge?

I was born and raised in Coaldale. I left the area for a couple of years after graduating high school, but the Lethbridge area truly feels like home. When I fell in love with the field of Therapeutic Recreation after completing my diploma; moving on to the degree at ULethbridge seemed like the obvious choice.  

What is your most memorable experience at ULethbridge?

I once was in desperate need of a study break and stopped in a Library Study room and did a minute-long headstand to ground myself and have some fun. My friends thought I was weird at first, but a little gymnastics broke up the stress and we all had a great laugh! 

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How have your professors impacted your education?

The professors at ULethbridge have believed in me as a student, a professional, and a person in general. In some of my most challenging times, my instructors and professors encouraged me to keep going, telling me that I am not only capable but an excellent fit for this profession.  

Is there anyone who has had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

This again comes back to my instructors and professors. They are some of my biggest advocates,  and also my biggest role models in the field of Therapeutic Recreation. My fellow students have also kept me motivated and encouraged a school-work-life balance.  

What are your hopes and plans for the future?

I love the field of Therapeutic Recreation. I currently volunteer direct a Rec. program at the Lethbridge Soup Kitchen and work on a physical rehabilitation unit with the Therapeutic Recreation department. I would love to continue in either of these with more education and knowledge on how to best serve the people I work with. I also have a significant mental health history and have recently started public speaking about it. I would love to do more of that as well! 

In your free time, what do you like to do?

Hike, paddle board, spend time with friends, write poetry, boulder and coffee shop-hop! 

What advice would you give to someone about to start their journey at ULethbridge?

Don’t compare yourself to other students! Whether it be your age, your grades, your timeline or your story, respect and have grace for the fact that your journey is unique and it’s not supposed to look like any one else’s. That, and to hold yourself to a standard of grace, not perfection. It’s great to work hard and do well, but not at the cost of your mental health.