Carrie Yellow Horn's University of Lethbridge journey is marked by a unique blend of cultural exploration, academic pursuit, and creative expression. As a talented crafter and lover of music, Carrie brings a unique and vibrant presence to the University community. In 2023, she participated in a three-week cultural exchange in Mexico, where she deepened her appreciation for the Mayan and her own culture.

In May of 2023, along with 19 other Indigenous students, I went to Jose Maria Morales, Quintana Roo, Mexico for a cultural exchange. There, I learned a lot about the Mayan culture and was fortunate enough to take a Mayan language class, which was super fantastic.

Meet Carrie | Free Spirit. Creative. The girl with the sick jacket.
Program: Bachelor of Fine Arts New Media | Major: New Media
Hometown: Brocket, AB

Why did you choose ULethbridge?

ULethbridge offers the Indigenous Student Success Certificate (ISSC), which is a very good way to sling shot into school, especially after being away from a school setting for so long. That, on top of the new media program, is one of the best out there. Why wouldn't I, is the real question.

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience so far?

Going to Mexico for three weeks! In May of 2023, along with 19 other Indigenous students, I went to Jose Maria Morales, Quintana Roo, Mexico for a cultural exchange. There, I learned a lot about the Mayan culture and was fortunate enough to take a Mayan language class, which was super fantastic. My three takeaways:

  1. I have a bigger appreciation for my own culture
  2. I got to live in a small town with very little privileges
  3. The connections and friends that I have made

How have your professors impacted your education?

Professors offered a broader view of a particular subject and helped me learn to think outside of the box. Dr. Michelle Hogue gave me some feedback that got the wheels in my head turning in a very good and exciting way.

Carrie is a true bridge between cultures, whether that is in sharing her knowledge and Blackfoot culture or her passion for gothic/metal head subculture. Being in the new media program will give her the platform to share even more creatively. – Dr. Michelle Hogue, Indigenous Student Success Certificate

Is there anyone else who has had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

Dr. Michelle Hogue, Shannon McAlorum, Jacob Bachinger, Jaime Takahashi, Tatiana Weasel Moccasin and Aspen Northwest of the 2022/23 ISSC.

Have you received any scholarships and awards?

I have received two from Indspire. Because I am commuting from Pincher Creek, they help mostly when dealing with travel. But I also purchased some equipment to help me create content when I was in Mexico.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like beading, watching movies and going on small road trips

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I would like to grow my talent in creating content that the world can view in the form of documentary-style films.

What advice would you like to give those about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

When you are struggling do not be afraid to go to your prof, or any of the student services that are on campus for help. Everyone wants to see you succeed and will help you to do your utmost best.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your decision to pursue a university degree?

After 15 years at a job where I was not going anywhere, I decided to go back to school and get my degree. I know it will be a challenge, but I would rather be challenged than work at a place where verbal promises never come to fruition. Learning a few things have been a struggle, but working through those struggles is the only way that I can find success

Quick Answers

Favourite class: Design Fundamentals for New Media
Favourite social activity at ULethbridge: Chatting with my friends when I see them
Favourite place to study: Iikaisskini (Low Horn) Gathering Centre
What are three awesome things about you? I am a talented crafter with a specialization in creating traditional style beadwork with an alternative edge. I like music, particularly metal and post punk. I love going to cities across the country to see my favourite bands live!