Recipient of the School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Science (Management)

Seun was born in Lagos, Nigeria as the first of three children. Having a strong aptitude for writing, she studied communications at the University, and interned at a few media organizations in Nigeria.

In 2017, two years after graduating with her Bachelor’s degree, she decided to switch careers, so she applied to the University of Lethbridge Master of Science in Management (MSc (Mgt)) program.

"I chose the Calgary campus, because I had extended family in Calgary, and I thought it would be easier to settle in. I remember the feeling of joy upon receiving my admission letter in April- it was definitely one of the happiest moments of my life. In August, I left Nigeria for Canada on a flight that took over 20 hours, not knowing when I’d see my parents or siblings again, but eager for greener pastures and better opportunities for my future.

My first week at uLethbridge was interesting- for the first time, I sat with many different people of different nationalities to learn with and from them. It was a pleasure to find instructors and faculty members so learned, supportive and available, and cohorts so cooperative," says Seun.

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?
My most memorable University of Lethbridge experience was traveling from Calgary to Lethbridge to celebrate the Lunar New Year in 2018 with my colleagues. I had been graciously invited by one of my Lethbridge instructors, and this gave me a chance to see Lethbridge, the uLethbridge campus, as well as some of my colleagues and instructors for the very first time. I had a warm hotpot dinner with my instructor and colleagues and got to know them on a deeper level. This experience gave me some of my favourite memories from uLethbridge.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge experience?
One person who made an important influence on my uLethbridge experience was my thesis supervisor, Jocelyn Wiltshire. I met Jocelyn while I was taking prerequisite courses in my first semester, and I immediately took interest in her research area, Organizational Behaviour. Not only was she one of the best instructors I ever had, as a thesis supervisor, she provided me with more than enough support and encouragement to help me excel in my research. I am definitely indebted to her.

What is the most important lesson you learned?
The most important lesson I learned at uLethbridge is the value of forming relationships. I am glad that I took advantage of the social atmosphere in order to form great connections, friendships and relationships with classmates, faculty, admin and other students in the Dhillon School of Business. There were plenty of opportunities to meet and mix with people.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?
I am currently in the process of finding opportunities, but my hopes for the future are to work in Human Resources Management. I intend to work in the general field, before finding a niche for myself, for example, training and development. I am also in the process of becoming a Canadian Permanent Resident.

What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary journeys?
My advice to students who are about to begin their post-secondary journeys is this: Aim for the very best, and work hard from the first day- it will make a lot of difference. Also take advantage of all the social and extra curricular opportunities available to you, to the best of your ability. There is nothing quite like the campus life- make it count while you are there, work hard, play hard, and don’t underestimate the importance of forming relationships. I wish you good luck!