Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and after high school went straight to the University of Saskatchewan, where I received my Bachelor of Commerce with a major in marketing. I worked in ad agencies and agriculture companies as their in-house marketing coordinator for about 10 years when I decided I needed a change. It took a while to decide what I really wanted to do, but I met someone who was a librarian at the UofS and it was like an aha! moment — it had somehow never occurred to me that this could be a career, even though I’d been a lifelong library lover. I went to Western to get a Master of Library and Information Science degree and during my last semester, came here for an interview. I’d actually been to Lethbridge several times as a child, as my grandpa’s family had settled in the area when they first immigrated in the '50s, and I had a great-grandmother and other relatives living here when I was young, but I had no real sense of the city other than my Oma’s house! When I came for the interview I was awed by the coulees, impressed with a couple of downtown restaurants, and, as I was an avid hiker at the time, loved the idea of being so close to Waterton. I was sold and fortunately I got the job! As soon as I finished my last class I moved here in August 2008.
How long have you been at ULethbridge and what do you do here?
This year marks 15 years! I was a liaison librarian for most of those, working with the Dhillon School of Business, the School of Liberal Education and various other departments throughout the years, such as economics and political science, among others. In 2022, I applied for the position of Associate University Librarian and fortunately I was successful – I now supervise the Technical Services and Systems areas, oversee the collections strategy and budget, and in general help guide the day-to-day workings of the Library.
What's the best part of your job?
Honestly, I still love helping students. I don’t get as many chances as I used to, but working one-on-one with students and helping them find the resources they are looking for is so gratifying, and was one of the reasons I knew a job in academic libraries was for me. In general, the Library is an excellent place to work — I love all of my colleagues; there's a lot of laughs, and a lot of great things happening that make me proud to be in their midst. Everyone strives to make the Library a great resource for campus and a great place to work. Plus, I love being part of an academic community. I’m always learning!

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Most of my time these days is spent with my family; my husband and I have an 11-year-old son, and he keeps us busy. We also have a dog and a cat; the cat keeps us laughing, and one of my favourite things to do is to go for long walks with the dog. I love spending time outdoors (in good weather!) so I take every opportunity to putter in the yard or read on the deck.
What are you reading these days?
The last book I read was A Man Called Ove, which I truly loved.