Cameron Beazer (BSc '24) is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and Psychology (double major), with a 4.00 GPA that included A’s in 35 classes. He took several independent study courses, learning to apply his classroom work to practice and was supported by multiple scholarships and awards, including the Chinook Entrance Scholarship, Chinook Summer Research Award, NSERC Summer Research Scholarship and other local and provincial awards. He looks forward to studying medicine for a career in the medical field.

Meet Cameron | Medal won: Silver Medal of the Governor General (Undergraduate Studies)
Program: Bachelor of Science | Major: Neuroscience and Psychology

What does this academic recognition mean to you?

It feels good to know that the work I have put in over the last 4 years has brought me to this point. I never really planned on working to get any sort of academic recognition, but I wanted to be my best, and receiving this medal feels a bit like a validation of all that I have tried to do and become throughout the course of my degree.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I will be starting medical school in the fall at the University of British Columbia, and hope to continue to find ways to pursue my passions while serving and giving back to my community as a doctor.

What advice would you give to those who are about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

Your life is going to be busy, that's the nature of university. So even as you work hard to accomplish everything that you set out to do here, make sure you set aside time to prioritize those things that really matter to you. Spend time with your family, go for a walk with a friend, take that time to make your favourite dinner or explore a new hobby.

You will learn the most as you realize that you are not here to just memorize a bunch of facts and walk out the door, but to learn to see the world differently. So listen in class, even if it's not going to be on the exam. Take that class you are interested in, even if it's not part of your major. Talk to that professor about your questions, even if you may think you aren't the one to be asking them.

Your university journey is for you, and it will change your life only to the extent that you let it.

ULethbridge Chancellor, Terry Whitehead (BA '94) and Cameron Beazer (BSc '24)
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