Combined degree student Devin Law has the best of both worlds, gaining experience in music performance and in music education. Working to prepare a score for a musical production he created, Devin is building crucial skills in project management and organization in and out of the classroom.

I think music, and many of the arts, can be special places to study, because our performance and master classes are combined with all the students within the department, so we get to work and interact often with students two or three years ahead of us in their studies.

Meet Devin | Musician. Author. Friend.
Program: Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education | Major: Music (Vocal Performance) / Music Education

Why did you choose ULethbridge?

I came to Lethbridge because of the highly recommended Education program for future teachers. When I first came to the University, I began as a General Science major, focusing mostly in Chemistry. After a year and a half of studies I decided to change my major to Music, focusing on vocal performance.

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience so far?

Participating in the live ensembles the University has to offer, including the U of L Singers, the Wind Orchestra and the Jazz Ensemble.

What inspires your artistic practice?

My desire to tell a story, and share a message that means something to my audience. The arts for me are a medium through which I can share ideas and feelings with others that I cannot do any other way.

How have your professors or instructors impacted your education?

I have had many fantastic professors that have changed the way I view and approach teaching, just by watching how they manage their classrooms and work with me one-on-one.

Is there anyone else who has had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

The senior students in the music department have been amazing mentors to me throughout my time in the program.

I think music, and many of the arts, can be special places to study, because our performance and master classes are combined with all the students within the department, so we get to work and interact often with students two or three years ahead of us in their studies.

Have you received any scholarships and awards?

I have been the recipient of a number of awards over my years here at the university, all of which I am very grateful for. They have helped me to complete my degree with a minimum amount of student debt.

Tell us about your experiential or work-integrated learning opportunities at ULethbridge and how these have enhanced your education?

This past semester I was working on an independent study with Dr. Rolf Boon. This has been a fantastic way to finish off my last semester of music, because as an independent study student I have the ability to design my own course, and get credit for doing some of the extra curricular musical activities I invest countless hours of my time into. For my independent study, I have been working on taking the score of a musical theatre production I have written, and expanding it to include a whole palette of orchestral sounds, in preparation to stage it this summer.

Are you participating in any extracurricular activities like sports or in the arts? If so, how are these experiences enhancing or complementing what you are doing in the classroom?

For the last three years, I have been the music director for the Lethbridge and region institute of religion through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In the fall and spring semesters, I run a choir for young adults aged 18-30, and in the summer I produce musical theatre productions with the young adults that stay in Lethbridge over the summer break.

These experiences have been priceless in helping me gain hands-on skills for my degree. They have taught me about classroom management, organizing programs and running long-term projects.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I hope to find a community to work in as a teacher where I can contribute to both the school community, and the community at large with the skills I have learned.

What advice would you like to give those about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

Don't be afraid to dip your toes into many different waters. Do you like robotics? Join a robotics club! Do you love to sing? Join the choir! Have you always wanted to act? Try out for one of the drama productions!

You never know where you might end up, or the friends you might make, or the passions you might discover if you try! And if you fail, so what? Keep jumping till you land somewhere you love!

Quick Answers

What are three awesome things about yourself?

  1. I am an enthusiastic learner.
  2. I am a passionate musician.
  3. I love creating opportunities for other people to learn new skills.

Favourite place on campus: The music practice room hallway!

Favourite activities to do in southern Alberta? Hiking in Waterton. Rock climbing in the gym. Arts and festival activities at the Yates and Southminster.

Favourite place to study? University Library, bottom floor by the spiral staircase, looking out the windows at the coulees.

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