Meet Indie MacGarva, an English major at ULethbridge whose journey is fuelled by a love for storytelling and a determination to carve out her path in publishing. From creative writing sessions to receiving best story from ULethbridge writers in the Bridge Prize contest for her short story, Indie has embraced the opportunities that come with small classes, supportive professors, and student community. Her time at ULethbridge is shaping her skills and confidence in pursuing a future as an editor — and maybe even an author.
I'm interested in getting into the publishing industry as an editor, but I've always harboured a desire to become an author. My time in creative writing classes and my recent short story award have both made that a more realistic possibility!
Meet Indie | Creative. Passionate. Empathetic.
Program: Bachelor of Arts | Major: English
Why did you choose ULethbridge?
The main appeal to me was the small class sizes that ULethbridge offers. I appreciate more personalized instruction, and ULethbridge has allowed me to connect with my professors in a way larger universities might not be able to provide.
Did you know what you wanted to study before you came to ULethbridge?
I had always harboured a passion for English, but I was hesitant to pursue it as a career. I've faced plenty of unemployment jokes when I tell people about my major, but here in my third year, I'm more confident than ever that I'm making the right decision. The strength of the English program at the University of Lethbridge has made me feel equipped for a future career in my major.
What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience so far?
Getting to read out my writing to an audience in the UHall Atrium with the Creative Writing 3800 class! I'm not the most confident public speaker, but it was a wonderful opportunity, and showing off my work alongside the classmates that I'd grown close with through the semester was an amazing experience.
How have your professors impacted your education?
I've been incredibly lucky to be an English major at a time when the English department is so full of wonderful professors. But I would love to give a special shout-out to professors Jay Gamble, David Kootnikoff, and David Hobbs, who are constantly expanding my literary borders and challenging me to keep growing.
Indie is a remarkably dedicated and talented student who brings a sharp mind and inquisitive nature to everything she does. She is a student leader who is goal-oriented while also being exceptionally supportive of her peers. She brings vibrancy to the English student community. Indie's future is indeed bright! – Dr. Jay Gamble, Department of English
Have you received any scholarships and awards?
I recently received the Bridge Prize for the Best Short Story by a University of Lethbridge student, and it's been an incredible honour. Receiving this prize has given me confidence in my own writing and opened up a lot of doors for me. I would love to thank Terry Whitehead, Dr. Shelly Wismath, the jurors for the Bridge Prize, and the University of Lethbridge School of Liberal Education for this opportunity.
Are you participating in any extracurricular activities?
I'm the current president of the English Students' Society at ULethbridge, which has been a wonderful experience so far! Gaining opportunities to connect with the staff here in the English department and to help students with an interest in English has been amazing.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I've been an obsessive reader since I was a kid, and I've grown a passion for creative writing too. I also enjoy hiking and biking in the mountains of the Crowsnest Pass.
What are your hopes/plans for the future?
I'm interested in getting into the publishing industry as an editor, but I've always harboured a desire to become an author. My time in creative writing classes and my recent short story award have both made that a more realistic possibility!
What advice would you like to give those about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?
Don't take things for granted. Time moves quickly, faster than you think, and you need to make the most of it. Take risks. Apply to scholarships and awards, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there! This is a unique time of freedom in your life, and there are so many opportunities available to you.
Quick Answers
Favourite class: Creative Writing
Favourite social activity at ULethbridge: Chatting with friends on the comfy chairs next to the Starbucks.
Favourite place to study: The 9th floor of the Library, next to the windows.

Photos submitted by Indie
About Shining Students
Shining Students engage inside and outside of the classroom. What makes a student shine may differ from person to person, but they all share a passion for learning. They may be top students, involved in an innovative project, participating in ground-breaking research, playing Pronghorn athletics, fighting for social issues or all of the above! When students find something they enjoy and combine it with what they are good at, they shine.
Each year, the Faculty of Arts & Science's faculty and staff nominate students who exemplify the ULethbridge student spirit. Congratulations Indie!