Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in Coaldale, graduated from Kate Andrews High School, attended Lethbridge Community College and graduated with my business diploma. After college, I accepted a job with a small international agriculture company in Coaldale called Australian Canadian Agriculture Machinery Corp (ACAM for short) (1992-2005). During my 13 years with them, I caught the bug for having a career in supply chain.  

Having left ACAM, I started my own business called Quick Attack Fire Equipment (2005-2007), where we manufactured effective simple-to-use quick-attack firefighting apparatuses that could be mounted on a trailer, truck or ATV.

Then I took a position with Charlton and Hill Welding as a Project Coordinator (2006 – 2009). We manufactured oilfield service equipment for use in North America and Central Asia. Oil prices crashed in late 2008 and ultimately many were laid off. I was told about a job opportunity at the University of Lethbridge for a Purchasing Agent. Up to this point, I absolutely loved working in supply chain and thought this would be a good opportunity to expand my career and I knew the U of L was a great place to work. My career with the U of L started in the fall of 2009.

What does your job entail?
I started my employment as a Purchasing Agent with the University in 2009, first on a contract basis and then full-time in 2012. In the fall of 2023, I applied for the position of Manager, Supply Chain. I started a new chapter in my career with the University in October 2023. I am responsible for the entire Materials Management department and the excellent team I work with. Materials Management covers everything from issuing purchase orders, public tendering, mailroom services, and shipping/receiving all goods on campus.

What's the best part of your job?
The best part of my job? That is a tough question; I enjoy all aspects of it, from working with and helping all the people on campus (students, researchers, staff, departments, etc.) to dealing with complicated tendering processes, interpreting trade agreements, seeing how the University has grown over the years, and especially researching and working on strategic projects.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Well, for those who know me, my answer won't surprise them — I love the mountains, everything about them. I love many outdoor activities throughout the year, especially long road trips deep into the backcountry. When I am not out west, you can find me tinkering in my yard or trying new things in my smoker.