Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in rural Ontario and always knew I wanted to be in the visual arts world, but I didn’t know in what capacity. After high school, I received an Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts from Georgian College in Barrie. During college, I worked a couple of summers in a local art gallery and museum and felt like I had found my field. I then entered the ULethbridge Fine Arts degree program and began volunteering with the campus gallery. I did an applied study with the Ulethbridge Art Gallery in my last semester, and the rest is history. Eight years later, I’m still enjoying it here.
How long have you been at ULethbridge and what do you do here?
I started working with the ULethbridge Art Gallery in January 2017, right after I graduated. My job is to help people engage with art and their creativity. That includes things such as exhibition and collection tours, free public programming, and art workshops for campus and community groups. I also do a lot of the Gallery's social media, which has been fun to learn about and explore.
What's the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is creating a space where people can engage with their creativity. Helping people make and experience art is the best thing I can imagine doing for a job.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Outside of work, I enjoy travelling and exploring new places. I recently got back from a trip to Italy and hope to go to Japan next. I want to visit art galleries all over the world! I also enjoy creative hobbies such as crochet and spending time with my new dog and friends.