Study abroad and Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities help change perspectives, create motivated learners and transform students into game-changing global citizens.
The mission of the University of Lethbridge is to produce well-informed, well-rounded and engaged global citizens by way of a world-class liberal education. At its core, liberal education is multidisciplinary. It provides broad exposure to the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences, and hones elemental skills and tendencies including critical thinking, problem solving, communication and a sense of social responsibility. Study abroad and WIL opportunities are exceptional enhancements to liberal education, allowing students to participate in hands-on experiences that foster insights on themselves and the world around them.
Semester at Sea
Semester at Sea is a three-month shipboard voyage that sets sail each semester, taking over 600 students to exotic destinations around the globe. In addition to onboard classroom study with leading faculty and international experts, students engage in field experiences and service projects in up to 15 countries. While away, they develop key skills necessary to compete in today’s increasingly globalizing world. They return with keen awareness of the complexities and interdependence of global systems and a critical understanding of their own cultures.
The Semester at Sea Scholarship is made possible through the Brawn Family Foundation, a Calgary-based organization well known for creating, developing and supporting programs and projects that generate opportunities for groups in health, education, and community activities. The scholarship is a $690,000 endowed student award the Foundation established with ULethbridge in 2017.
“Our family has seen how life-changing this experience is and want others to experience it too. Our hope is to send off students and bring back world ambassadors. As Semester at Sea says, ‘Let the world be your campus,’” says Kelly Buckley (BA ‘84), Director, Brawn Family Foundation and previous ULethbridge Semester at Sea participant.
“I learned more and changed more through the voyage than I ever could have any other way. I met incredible people and made lifelong friends from around the world. Semester at Sea helped me develop a broad understanding of the world and its people, boosted my confidence and capabilities, and allowed me to discover new and meaningful ways to contribute to society. I don’t know how to thank the Brawn Family Foundation.” - 2023 recipient Taylor Williams (pictured at top)
Roloff Beny Foundation Photographic Award in Fine Arts
The late Dr. Roloff Beny (LLD ’71) may be known around the world for his accomplishments as a painter, sketch artist, printmaker and photographer, but this exceptionally talented and renowned artist maintained strong ties to southern Alberta and the University. Although his work was globally inspired and he lived abroad for much of his life, Beny maintained a photography studio in Lethbridge and visited often. He was awarded an honorary degree from the University in 1971, and upon his death in 1984, Beny donated his artwork, including collections of Canadian and international art, to the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery.
In addition to his bequest and in recognition of his contributions to the arts community in southern Alberta, the Roloff Beny Foundation established the Roloff Beny Foundation Photographic Award in Fine Arts in 2005. The endowment provides two awards each year for students in any Bachelor of Fine Arts program to cover travel costs related to the pursuit of new material, artistic inspiration and development of innovative photography projects.
“The Roloff Beny Award allowed me to plan a trip to Manitoba to work on a project analyzing mental health and the men in my family. The scholarship covered travel costs and all the film and equipment I needed to make the project happen. It truly was a once in a lifetime opportunity that made it possible for me to pursue photography at the highest level without the worry of acquiring material or financial demands. I’ve been inspired to continue my work, pursue the dream of owning a gallery one day and open a studio where I can grow a commercial photography business.” - 2023 & 2024 recipient Kort Woycheshin (BFA – Multidisciplinary ‘24) (pictured below)

Learn more about giving at ULethbridge and the Board of Governors’ $10 million pledge to match funds for the establishment of endowed student scholarships.
Read the 2023/2024 Donor Impact Report