Fine Arts Shining Student Juan Añez

Fine Arts Shining Student Juan Añez is making the most of work-integrated learning experiences to succeed in his degree. This summer, Juan worked as a Theatre Practitioner with the Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity, a job that is directly related to his education and provides him with valuable skills and experiences.

I have been very fortunate to have worked in different areas of the Faculty of Fine Arts, usually focused around audio. Thanks to these experiences, I have been able to learn through practical work while establishing connections with the people I work with.

Meet Juan

Program: Bachelor of Music | Major: Digital Audio Arts

Why did you choose to pursue Fine Arts at ULethbridge?

There is a really nice balance of technical and theoretical work. You get to learn concepts in detail as well as practice them during more hands-on activities.

Did you know what you wanted to study when you started? What would you like to do once you graduate?

I did know. I love to work in anything related to music. More specifically in making music happen and taking it to the listener. This would encompass composition, production, recording, mixing/mastering and even live sound.

What inspires your artistic practice?

Music is and has always been my main source of inspiration, especially when I am able to experience it with people that enjoy it as much as I do. Working with different people in anything related to music is the absolute best there is.

What has been your favourite class and who is your favourite professor or instructor?

My favourite class was Music 3630 since we got to experiment with different kinds of recording and mixing techniques. My favourite instructors would have to be Dr. D. Andrew Stewart and Dr. Arlan Schultz.

Have you been able to gain experience through work-integrated learning, such as performances, co-op placements, etc.? What did you gain from these experiences?

I have been very fortunate to have worked in different areas of the Faculty of Fine Arts, usually focused around audio. Thanks to these experiences, I have been able to learn through practical work while establishing connections with the people I work with.

These connections have helped me get jobs with the Canadian Association for Theatre Research, the Banff Centre, Three Flag Media and work with local bands from Lethbridge!

Have you received any scholarships or bursaries? How have they impacted your education?

I have received scholarships. They have helped me very much by allowing me to focus on my studies and my career rather than stress out about getting money for my studies.

Do you participate in any extracurricular activities? How have these experiences enhanced your learning? (sports, clubs, etc.)

I have always been a fan of sports, especially soccer. By joining the intramural tournaments, I have learned to communicate more effectively with my teammates, which can directly relate to relationships with coworkers.

What advice would you give to those who are about to begin their ULethbridge journey?

As cliché as it may sound, just be open minded. This not only goes to people who feel very strongly about their ideas, but to those who do not have any concrete ideas or goals to begin with. Say yes to everything, be nice to everyone and focus on being someone that you would want to work with. It is amazing how far having a good attitude rather than an indifferent one can get you in your personal and professional relationships.
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