Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up north of Edmonton in a small community called Thorhild. After high school, I did a BA (Criminology) and then an after-degree BSc (Honours) in psychology, both at the University of Alberta (graduating in 2004 and 2006 respectively). I then went to Queen’s University for my MA in social psychology and my PhD in Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science. I graduated in 2010 and then spent three years in a term position at Simon Fraser University, before moving to Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland, where I worked as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and then Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) until the end of 2021.
What drew me to apply to Lethbridge was that I wanted to return to Canada, but only if the position allowed me the opportunity to continue researching and to have graduate students.
I liked the sunshine and the cost of the homes in Lethbridge, as well.
How long have you been at ULethbridge and what do you do here?
I joined ULethbridge in January 2022. However, since it was winter and the pandemic, I worked remotely for a semester from Edinburgh, Scotland where I had been living and working at Queen Margaret University. I made it to Lethbridge in April 2022 and have been here since. I’m also an Honorary Lecturer at Queen Margaret University, where I am still supervising PhD students.
I research eyewitness memory and am currently supervising one MSc student and one PhD student at Ulethbridge, as well as two PhD students at Queen Margaret University. I also regularly supervise a team of independent study students. I teach Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Experimental Forensic Psychology, and Eyewitness Memory.
What's the best part of your job?
Doing research with my graduate students and independent study students.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Lethbridge has an amazing climbing community and a particularly impressive community for women who boulder.
Playing with my pets – we have a new puppy named Spudnik and two black cats, Mayhem and Sylvester.