...as a single mom of 3, working full time as a LPN, it never seemed like the time would be right. The post-diploma Bachelor of Health Science program provided me with such an amazing opportunity to achieve my dreams.

What is your most memorable uLethbridge - Calgary Campus experience and why?

One experience that I will remember forever is the New Student Orientation. Going back to school to finally get my degree was something that had been on my bucket list for years, but as a single mom of 3, working full time as a LPN, it never seemed like the time would be right. The post-diploma Bachelor of Health Science program provided me with such an amazing opportunity to achieve my dreams.

The night of new student orientation was so amazing (I even won a pair of mittens!), because it felt like all of us were connected to something. I think due to the flexibility of the programs offered, the mix of students on the Calgary Campus tended to be more mature students which made it even more welcoming. Listening to all of the instructors and administrators speak about the courses and the programs was so inspirational, they were so clearly passionate about the program and committed to student success.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your Calgary Campus experience?

My academic advisor, Kristin Galicia, has been so instrumental in my success in this program. I think I emailed her twice a semester every semester for the whole 3 years. Sometimes to ask for guidance, and sometimes just to get the reassurance that I was on track. She has always been so helpful and encouraging, and always helped me navigate any issues that came up and find alternatives. Being mostly deaf, I faced some challenges when we shifted to online learning. Kristin was able to help me find courses and sections that I could take with my limitations and still meet my degree requirements.

What is the most important lesson you learned?

Like everyone reaching the end of the program, I realize that the lessons I learned are so much more than the course material. The most important lesson I learned is to never be afraid to ask for help, whether it is from other students, outside resources, advisors, instructors, administrators…never be afraid to ask someone to help you understand or support you.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

My long-term goal is graduate school, but for the moment, I am taking the time to reflect on all my learnings in the program and apply them within my current role working at Alberta Health Services.

What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary journeys?

For anyone who is just starting, the advice I would give is to just take the first step, and trust that it will all work out. For so long, I put off starting my degree because I wasn’t sure how it would all work out. Once I took that first step, there were so many supports and people who helped me finish.