Graduating Student Profile: Steve Rwasa,‌‌ BMgt '20, Finance
  1. What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?

    Being an evening student who also works full time my most memorable experience was sharing classes with other students like myself, some had to focus on schoolwork and families. Those are the experiences I will remember.
  2. Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge?

    There was a lot of people who had great influences; I will name the two who come at the top of my mind. My professors, Derry Robbin and Feng Jiao, have had great influence on me.
  3. What is the most important lesson you learned?

    It is crucial to work towards getting good grades but equally important is to make good relationships, I can't remember who said it, but we should work on also building a good network in university. That network tends to stay even after graduation.
  4. What are your hopes/plans for the future?

    I am already working full time, but I am planning on taking some extra certification. I would consider an MBA in the future, but for now I must keep working.
  5. What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary journeys?

    Work hard, make good friends, take advantage of the great and helpful professors and network as much as possible. The students you are with are the future leaders and innovators. In addition to the degree, come out of school with a good network which is so important in the world we are living in right now.