Colin Brown completed not just one but two degrees with uLethbridge.

Building on a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government degree that he obtained in 2014, he returned the Dhillon School of Business to complete a Bachelor of Management degree – including four co-op placements.

What drew Colin to the Calgary Campus was the flexibility of night classes and the ability to work full time while completing his studies. “The second degree program was really attractive as I was able to skip over all the electives I had already completed in my first degree."

When asked what the key take-aways from his uLethbridge Calgary Campus experience were, Colin highlighted the changes he’s experienced the second time around.  “The nature of the student body is different. Calgary Campus students are older, with students having a lot more work experience, so it’s been really interesting connecting with fellow classmates,” he said, adding that the significantly smaller class sizes benefited his ability to network with both professors and classmates.

Colin’s best advice for those considering enrolling in a program with the Dhillon School of Business at the Calgary Campus:

· “Focus on networking. It's a smaller campus, so it's quite easy to network, and I've found that it has opened up quite a few opportunities.”

· “A lot of the instructors are sessional, so they are working full time in the business community – it can pay to leverage those connections.”

You can hear more about how Colin has navigated work and studies during COVID-19 in his Covid Conversations interview.


The University of Lethbridge’s Calgary Campus provides evening and weekend blended undergraduate and graduate degree programs for working adults.  Learn more at