Jackie Eshriew (BFA - New Media/BSc '23) is a trailblazer. A combined degree major in computer science and new media, Jackie is the first person to graduate from the innovative program, which enables students to become highly adaptable in a variety of work environments. Jackie exemplifies this and more as she takes her considerable experience and translates it into a career.

I gained various skills from the University’s liberal education, it was actually the main reason why I made the decision to add new media to my computer science degree, to help me get an advantage in my career with front-end/back-end development and design.

Meet Jackie. Lighthearted. Logical. Driven.
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta
Program: Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Fine Arts - New Media
Majors: Computer Science / New Media

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?

My most memorable ULethbridge experience was joining the GEEK Club on campus. Since moving away from home for the first time, I was meeting like-minded individuals who shared my interests, and I discovered so many new board games and peers to play them with. I also meet some life-long friends thanks to this club. It was amazing to find a community where I could relax after a busy week and feel like I truly belong and can engage in exciting gaming adventures with others who share the same level of enthusiasm.

What is the most important lesson you learned during your time at ULethbridge?

If you are struggling with anything at all, don't hesitate to reach out to your professors and make the most of their office hours. They genuinely want to see you succeed and are willing to help you out even at odd hours when you email them at 2 a.m.

Additionally, connect with people in your classes. Not only can they offer support but studying together in a group is a lot more productive than trying to work on everything solo. Trust me, you'll gain much more knowledge through collaborative studying than going it alone.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

I had the privilege of working under the guidance of Dr. Wendy Osborn, a distinguished professor, and chair in the Computer Science department, during my independent study. Wendy proved to be an invaluable mentor as she assisted me in researching continuous data on mobile devices after I had taken her databases classes.

Thanks to her guidance, I had my first publications in the IEEE journal, which I never thought I could do in my undergrad studies. Wendy's support and guidance not only showcased her immense knowledge and expertise in the field but also inspired me to explore the realm of databases further, looking into it as a career path because of her exceptional teaching abilities.

What have you gained from the liberal education experience at ULethbridge?

I gained various skills from the University’s liberal education, it was actually the main reason why I made the decision to add new media to my computer science degree, to help me get an advantage in my career with front-end/back-end development and design.

It's thanks to my liberal education that I have a creative design perspective alongside technical expertise, enabling me to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital technologies with dexterity and innovation.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I hope to either excel as a UI Designer and create visually captivating and user-friendly digital interfaces or use my analytical, problem-solving and logical reasoning skills to contribute to technological advancements in any way I can. I would like to contribute to Innovation, CyberSecurity, Database Management, or Artificial Intelligence, but ultimately I can't wait to see how much further technology can improve!

What advice would you like to give those beginning their journey at ULethbridge?

It's absolutely okay if you feel a little lost at the beginning of your university journey. You will figure it out along the way. Embrace the unknown and be open to new experiences that come your way. University is not just about obtaining a degree but it's a time for self-discovery and personal growth.

So, be patient with yourself, follow your own path, and enjoy every step of this journey. Before you even realize it, you'll be joining the ranks of graduates, looking back at the incredible transformation you've gone through.

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