Q & A with Shining Graduate Maria Wilson

Maria Wilson | Program: Bachelor of Nursing | Class of 2022

Maria Wilson (BN '22) shared some of her most meaningful experiences from her time at ULethbridge.

Tell us about your most memorable ULethbridge experience.

It's hard to go through four-and-a-half years of memories and decide on just one! But I think the most memorable experience was completing my final nursing preceptorship in mental health and addictions! It was a pretty amazing experience to realize that all the studying, excessive caffeine intake, classes, and shift work finally led to that moment.

What do you feel is the most important lesson you learned during your time at ULethbridge?

I think the most important lesson I learned was that it's so important to find your supports and to support your friends. It's always okay to seek help when you need it.

What was the most meaningful part of your clinical experience?

Having the opportunity to participate in clinicals strengthened my passion for nursing and allowed me to grow my skills and knowledge with support from clinical instructors and nurses. It also gave me the chance to find areas of nursing that I truly love.

Is there someone specific who had a significant influence on your ULethbridge undergraduate experience?

There are so many people that had a huge influence on my ULethbridge experience! I was fortunate to have so many supportive people around me, such as my parents, brother, boyfriend, and friends who cheered me on through the successful moments and the challenges.

Do you have any advice for those who are about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

My advice to those about to start their journey is to believe in themselves and don't give up. You're starting this journey for a reason. There are going to be hard times. There are going to be long nights, studying, paper writing, and exams. Sometimes things will go great, but other times you might struggle. But that's okay! You've got this! Just remember why you're here and believe in yourself. And in moments of doubt, find your friends/supports and take some time to do something you enjoy!

Congratulations, Maria!

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