Q & A with Shining Graduate Lauren Reimer

Lauren Reimer | Bachelor of Nursing | Class of 2022

Tell us about the most valuable lesson you've learned throughout your time at ULethbridge.

I have learned many valuable lessons throughout my time at the University of Lethbridge, the most relevant being perseverance and having a collegial spirit with my fellow students and work colleagues. Throughout my life as an adolescent, I never thought I could acquire the skills or knowledge to be a nurse, nor did I ever believe I had the ability to complete a degree in nursing. As I near the end of my nursing degree, I realize the value it will bring to my future. The Bachelor of Nursing degree is so broad and the skills I have acquired can be applied to many situations. I have learned that the career options are many and that I will have a lot of exciting opportunities in the future.

I have learned that, even on days where external circumstances made completing my degree difficult, I was able to persevere through a belief in myself, hard work, and accessing the compassionate guidance from my fellow students, work colleagues, and instructors.

As the recipient of several awards and honours, Lauren plans to give back to the ULethbridge nursing program.

I am extremely grateful to have been influenced by optimistic, compassionate, and caring instructors, work colleagues, and friends throughout my nursing education.

I have received several academic awards throughout my nursing education for which I am extremely grateful. I am proud of how hard I have worked to achieve my academic goals. In the future, I plan to contribute to the scholarship fund at the University of Lethbridge in the nursing program as the financial support and boost in academic confidence that these scholarships provide is hugely beneficial in the life of a student.

After celebrating your success at the Spring 2022 Convocation, what does the future hold?

The Bachelor of Nursing program has taught me the diverse options I have available to me as a registered nurse. I have currently accepted a position with Island Health at the Royal Jubilee Hospital and will be relocating to Victoria, B.C. in the coming month. My more distant plans for the future include giving back to nursing students in the same way my instructors have done for me and always keeping an open mind to new opportunities. My future plans also include continuing to learn and practice nursing skills in a broad variety of areas towards the goal of nursing excellence.

Congratulations, Lauren!

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