Shining Graduate Cameron Beazer

Time at the University of Lethbridge has been marked by moments of revelation and mentorship for Cameron Beazer (BSc '24), notably sparked by Dr. Louise Barrett, whose guidance ignited his passion for academic pursuits, culminating in a Bachelor of Science with majors in neuroscience and psychology. As he sets sights on a future in medicine, Cameron's advice to incoming students echoes his own journey: find your passion and fearlessly pursue it.

We are not here to simply get a degree and walk out the door but to gain knowledge and grow in our capacity to learn and think critically.

Meet Cameron: Boisterous. Bubbly. Brilliant.
Hometown: Cardston, AB
Program: Bachelor of Science | Major: Neuroscience and Psychology

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?

I remember the first time I sat in my PSYC 2005 (Psychological Sketches: Straight from the Researchers) class and realized that reading and narrative could be an area of academic study. I had never really realized before that those things I had considered to be simple hobbies could be made a part of my academic life, and that moment changed everything about the last two years of my ULethbridge experience.

What is the most important lesson you learned during your time at ULethbridge?

We are not here to simply get a degree and walk out the door but to gain knowledge and grow in our capacity to learn and think critically.

What have you gained from the liberal education experience at ULethbridge?

The liberal education experience that I received here at the University of Lethbridge has helped open my eyes to different perspectives and points of view. I have grown in my capacity to think critically and assess every facet of a situation before making a decision, and the opportunity to take classes in so many different areas has helped me explore my interests beyond just my major courses. A liberal education has helped me see the value in every way of looking at an issue and the perspectives of all people involved.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

Dr. Louise Barrett from the Department of Psychology has greatly influenced my ULethbridge experience. She was the one who first encouraged me to follow what I was passionate about when planning out what to do for an independent study with her, and that simple invitation changed the entire shape of my time here at the University of Lethbridge.

Did you receive scholarships and awards? If so, please tell us a bit about how they helped you throughout your studies.

Yes, I received several scholarships and awards, including the Chinook Scholarship, a Chinook Summer Research Award, an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, and several other provincial and local scholarships and awards. These scholarships and awards allowed me to focus on my studies without worrying about how I would be able to afford my housing, food, and other costs of living that have been increasing so much these past few years.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I hope to continue my academic journey with the study of medicine and seek a career in the medical field.

What advice would you give to those about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

Find your passion and run with it. Don't be afraid to explore your interests, no matter how simple they may seem. Finding what you love and integrating it with what you study and do is liberating and opens doors of possibility that you could never have dreamt of.

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