Shining Graduate Ma’koyii Aa’poo’wa (Rising Wolf), Allan Blake Tailfeathers perseveres beyond struggle

Overcoming significant personal hardship, Ma’koyii Aa’poo’wa (Rising Wolf), Allan Blake Tailfeathers (BHSc '24) demonstrates that anything is possible. Breaking the cycle of addiction, Blake’s desire to help others and give back to his community led him to the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Health Sciences, where he completed a work-integrated learning experience with the homeless population on the Blood Reserve. He describes this experience as “a gratification that can only be felt by the heart and spirit.” With the goal of becoming a psychologist, Blake’s next steps include acquiring a certificate in equine psychotherapy, then on to complete a master’s in counselling psychology.

Do your absolute best... don’t give up! You are not alone in the struggle. Believe in yourself. You can do anything. Reach out for help. Believe big and pray big.

Meet Blake: Grateful. Genuine. Perseverant.
Hometown: Cardston, AB
Program: Bachelor of Health Sciences | Major: Addictions Counselling

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?

The powerful experiences of my journey of learning and growing to eventually become a professional addictions counsellor. Helping others, and feeling the gratification needs to be felt with the heart and spirit. This experience has given me meaning and purpose.

What is the most important lesson you learned during your time at ULethbridge??

Doing my best with commitment and dedication in my life has brought great rewards and inner happiness.

I feel, trust and believe dreams do come true.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

All my professors were amazing mentors who went above and beyond to help me persevere through my academics. I will forever be grateful.

Did you receive scholarships and awards?

Yes, I received a few. They helped take the financial burden off my back and allowed me to focus on my studies so I could be successful.

What have you gained from the liberal education experience at ULethbridge?

I have learned so much about myself as a grateful, recovering drug/alcohol addict and about others who have struggled through addiction.

The addictions counselling program at ULethbridge has given me so much awareness and skills that I feel confident to go out and continue helping others become the best of who they truly are.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to spend time with my family, especially my sons, wife, mother and brothers. Because of my past experiences in addiction, it means the world to me to share meaningful experiences with them today in my life. I also love to try new ways of self care and spend time combing my horse down.

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