Q&A with Shining Graduate and AstraZeneca Aboriginal Nursing Award recipient Amber Whitstone

Tell us a little bit about your experiential learning experiences and what gaining this recognition means to you.

The AstraZeneca Aboriginal Nursing Award is specifically will help aid in paying for my registration exam and fees. I’m very proud of myself for being able to be recognized as an indigenous person in my field of studies.

I was an executive member of the Nursing Student Association club, my position was Indigenous Representative. My role was to advocate for all Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit nursing students. I upheld my role very well and help create events to embrace Indigenous Cultures. This included the smudge kit event where students who attended learnt how to smudge from an elder and were gifted a bag with there own mini smudge supplies. The biggest take away from being an executive member was remember to support my club no matter what. There were times when I didn’t feel well but still managed to help out with whatever event we had going on. Another take away is learning to delegate tasks, I’m definitely am not super woman and can’t get everything done all at once. I sometimes need helpers to make sure our events ran smooth or social media information was accurate. My finally take away was learning to have fun with friends even when your in stressful situations. To always remember to try make the best of whatever situation you are in.

What would you say is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?

Getting to freely and openly learn to embrace my culture with a community who is welcoming. As a student who lived far away from her own home community and reserve. I found it difficult to learn and try upkeep my own knowledge about my culture. While attending ULethbridge, my opportunities to learn about my culture was offered through varieties of resources.

Don’t forget to have fun, you only live young once and enjoy the silly moments. Some of the best memories I have are from sitting up at 2 or 3 in the morning on campus with friends.

What kept you going throughout your studies?

I think my friends had the most influence on me. No matter if it was sending over study notes, inviting me over for supper that week, or teaching me how to play DND. I always knew that even if we went a long time with out talking (which easily happens as you get older and as well as have so much studying to do) that no matter what whenever the conversation did continue it was like it picked up right where we left off.

My friends have honestly been the reason why I’ve completed school, they have helped push me to finish. I thank each and everyone one of them for always having my back during the hard rough times of school.

Congratulations, Amber!!

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