Shining Graduate Zaynab Enayetullah found a passion for epidemiology at ULethbridge

Zaynab Enayetullah (BHSc '23) had an interest in public health while a student at Chinook High School, so the Faculty of Health Science's Bachelor of Health Sciences was a natural starting point for her post-secondary studies. Little did she know how relevant her education would be.

One of the most memorable experiences from my time at ULethbridge was taking an epidemiology course in February 2020 when the pandemic was gaining prominence in Canada. This was the first time in my academic career that I understood the significance of what I was learning in a practical setting. Through this class and by observing the pandemic response, I found my own passion for this field.

Meet Zaynab. Collaborative. Open-minded. Passionate about STEM.
Hometown: Lethbridge, Alberta
Program: Bachelor of Health Sciences | Major: Public Health

What is the most important lesson you learned during your time at ULethbridge?

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned is the importance of collaboration in any professional setting, particularly public health. Through my practicum, I observed that public health professionals do not work in silos but rather collaborate with numerous governmental and community partners. This interdisciplinary approach enables them to address an issue on a systematic level.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

There have been numerous individuals who have had a positive influence on my ULethbridge experience. I have had the chance to take various classes with Dr. Nimesh Patel (Public Health Program Coordinator & Instructor), and his teachings, insights, and passion for the field of public health have left me excited and optimistic about what my future as a public health professional holds.

I have had the opportunity to work on campus for the past three years with Destination Exploration, partaking in various youth programming, such as their afterschool clubs, and coordinating the High School Youth Summer Research Program.

I am very grateful to Destination Exploration for the work opportunities, as it has allowed me to share my passion for STEM with our youth while learning from them along the way.

Did you receive scholarships and awards?

I received the Jason Lang, Louise McKinney, and the University of Lethbridge Student Support scholarships, all of which were great financial help.

What have you gained from the liberal education experience at ULethbridge?

Throughout my undergraduate degree, I have had various opportunities to take courses outside of my faculty. This has allowed me to understand a given topic from muti-disciplinary viewpoints and appreciate the nuances of varied perspectives and backgrounds.

Overall, attending a liberal education institute and taking classes in other disciplines has helped me grow both personally and professionally by fostering my critical thinking skills and increasing my breadth of knowledge.

What are your hopes and plans for the future?

I plan to pursue a Master's in Public Health (MPH) in the coming year. My overall hope for the future is to continue developing my public health competencies so I can meaningfully contribute to my community as a public health professional.

What advice would you like to give those who are about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

Students have various competing priorities, so I would encourage them to take some time to explore what their work/school-life balance looks like, so they can maintain the quality of the relationships in their lives while giving their academics optimal time. I would also encourage them to celebrate their success, even if it seems small or insignificant, as celebrating these small wins ultimately helps boost motivation and confidence!

Photos submitted by Zaynab

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