Makayla Koshuta: 2023 Dhillon School of Business academic gold medal winner

Each year, the University of Lethbridge awards medals to distinguished graduates in each faculty and school in recognition of their outstanding academic achievement.

Makayla Koshuta (BA/BMgt Co-op '23) is the recipient of the 2023 undergraduate gold medal for the Dhillon School of Business (Dhillon). With a combined Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Management degree, Makayla has received high praise from many of her professors. She has been described as the ideal student who is curious, bright, humble and unafraid of challenges. The English and marketing major represented Dhillon at the Society for Marketing Advances conference in Florida back in 2021. Her presentation was so well done, that audience members couldn't believe she was an undergraduate student. With an impressive work ethic and strong attention to detail, her professors agree, no one deserves this year's Dhillon undergraduate gold medal more than, Makayla.

Completing three co-ops during my undergraduate degree was a wonderful opportunity and a highly memorable experience. Each of these co-ops had an academic research element to them, which helped me to recognize my interest in conducting marketing research.

Meet Makayla. Hard-working. Ambitious. Creative.
Hometown: Lethbridge, AB
Program: BA/BMgt | Major(s): English/Marketing

What does this academic recognition mean to you?

During these past five years at ULethbridge, I have worked hard to achieve a high GPA and completed three co-op work terms and three applied studies. I also worked at the ULethbridge Bookstore and volunteered as a co-op ambassador. Therefore, as an active member of the ULethbridge community, I am excited to receive this recognition from the Dhillon School of Business. I sincerely appreciate receiving recognition for all of the hard work I put in during my undergraduate degree at ULethbridge and I look forward to my future education and learning opportunities.

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?

It is difficult to choose one memorable experience. However, completing three co-ops during my undergraduate degree was a wonderful opportunity and a highly memorable experience. My first co-op was with the ULethbridge Teaching Centre, followed by a co-op with Dr. Rhiannon Mesler as a Chinook Summer Research Award recipient. My final co-op was with Dr. Debra Basil as a Chinook Summer Research Award recipient. A specific memorable moment from working as an undergraduate research assistant was presenting our team’s research at the Society for Marketing Advances conference in Orlando, Florida. Each of these co-ops had an academic research element to them, which helped me to recognize my interest in conducting marketing research.

What is the most important lesson you learned during your time at ULethbridge?

Take every opportunity that is available to you. For me, this included attending office hours with my professors and instructors to get additional help in understanding course concepts, completing co-ops, pursuing applied studies and later volunteering as a co-op ambassador. Another important lesson I learned was to not be afraid to ask questions, because this is the best way to learn.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your ULethbridge experience?

There are so many wonderful ULethbridge professors, instructors, staff and employees who all had an impact on my university experience. Specifically, important influences include Dr. Debra Basil and Dr. Rhiannon Mesler, who supervised me as a Chinook Summer Research Award recipient to conduct marketing research during my summers. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to recognize my passion for marketing research, which I plan to continue with in the future.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

Currently, my plan is to return to the University of Lethbridge in Fall 2024 to pursue a Master of Science in Marketing.

What advice would you give to those who are about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

Take every opportunity available to you. Specifically, I recommend that students pursue co-op and applied studies courses to further enrich their academic experience.

Congratulations, Makayla!

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