Arts & Science NSO Welcome

"Oki. Hello, and welcome to campus! On behalf of myself and the Faculty of Arts & Science, I’d like to welcome you to uLethbridge. Our faculty and staff threw themselves into planning and preparing for Spring 2021, and they are thrilled to meet you finally, virtually, of course. Be sure to take full advantage of the academic and cultural opportunities at the University of Lethbridge — there is something for everyone. Dive in, work hard and embrace campus life. Have fun and ask for help when you need it. We are dedicated to helping you shine throughout your studies at the University of Lethbridge." ~ Dr. Matthew Letts, Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science

Covid19 has required us all to make significant temporary changes to how we all do things. But our commitment to excellence in teaching and to serving our students is stronger than ever. We want to reassure you that we are going to offer you the best educational experience possible and that you will be well prepared to carry through with your program once we’re able to return to our usual campus operations. Visit our Go Far At Home page to learn more about how our faculty members have prepared. There are a lot of great resources on this page, including some advice from current students and recent graduates.

Welcome to NSO from the Associate Deans


"Work on trusting yourself. Take the kind words others say about you, the encouragement your professors give you, the proof of all of your previous successes, whatever good stuff has carried you this far, and use it as evidence to build a case for how capable you are. This is not going to be an easy journey, but the sooner you learn to believe in yourself—genuinely, not just the Disney way—the sooner you will feel capable of facing any challenge head-on. You won't always succeed, but when you believe that you can succeed *eventually*, it becomes a lot easier to keep trying." ~ Jaime Lewis, BA (Co-op) '20
"My advice to students who are about to begin their journey in post-secondary is make the absolute most out of your university experience. Build relationships, ask questions and get to know the leaders around you. Start looking into programs such as co-op, applied studies and independent studies early in your degree and take full advantage of the opportunities that are available to you. Be the best you can be and make the most of your degree!" ~ Kyle Cole, BA (Co-op) '20
"Education is a cornerstone of personal growth, development, and confidence. Post-secondary can be exhausting and demanding but take this as a chance to find what you love, pursue it with all your being and open yourself to the millions of opportunities at your feet. Work hard in your academic journey, but especially in your own personal journey. Never limit yourself, instead define your passions, and engrave it in your actions. Good luck and have fun, it'll be the slowest and fastest experience you've had yet!" ~ Kate Chua BSc '20

Stay in Touch
We are excited about your future and want to continue to follow your story. Please do stay in touch! We love nothing more than getting an unexpected update from our students about the exciting things happening in their world.

Arts & Science: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
uLethbridge: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter