Susan Bakker (BA/BMgt '10), SEARS Assistant Registrar, Enrolment

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was raised on a farm in east central Alberta and graduated from South Central High School in Oyen. When I was deciding what to do after high school I was not entirely clear on my career direction. I chose the University of Lethbridge because my sister had a great experience completing her degree here. Initially, I started my studies in management, but after taking the introductory geography course I received a letter from the dean of Arts and Science encouraging me to consider a combined degree. I then thought, “Two degrees in five years and I have a bit more time to figure out my future. Sign me up!” My first year was a big transition moving away from home. It took time, but I found my group friends and I became involved in the Agricultural Students Society. One of the coolest opportunities in my degree was participating a month-long field study course offered by the geography department. We learned and hiked in significant locations in the southwestern United States, with one of the highlights being hiking the south rim Grand Canyon trail.

After graduation, I worked a short stint in certified seed production, but I quickly discovered I craved a career with human interaction. I worked for four years at another post-secondary in the student recruitment field. All of this to say the University is the reason I have chosen to stay in southern Alberta. I met my husband while I was completing my undergrad and we have two beautiful children together.

How long have you been at ULethbridge and what do you do here?
When a student recruitment officer opportunity came up at the University eight years ago, I was excited to share my story with future University of Lethbridge students. I drove around 25,000 kilometres that fall term meeting with future students and educational partners in Saskatchewan. I then held the role of Manager, National Recruitment for six years supporting our vibrant and passionate team of student recruitment professionals. During that time, I became interested in the career development of our team of primarily new University graduates, so I enrolled in the Management Certificate in Human Resources in Labour Relations offered by the Dhillon School of Business. In 2021 I moved into the role of Assistant Registrar-Enrolment and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching and supporting our Admission & Transfer, National Recruitment, and Scholarships & Student Finance teams serve future and current students.

What's the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is the community of colleagues, in both academic and administrative roles, who are dedicated to serving our students. Student Affairs is not always a job that comes to mind for new university graduates. Our student staff in Student Enrolment and Registrar Services bring a palpable energy to our team and they constantly connect us to what our students are experiencing day-to-day. Post-secondary is a complex system, whether it be a future student trying to understand what subjects they need to take in high school or applying for a student loan for the first time. I am honoured that I am part of helping our students navigate what is a life-changing opportunity. Each student has a unique set of needs and Student Affairs professionals must try to understand the perspective of the student. Students see the University as a single entity and not necessarily a collection of individual units that offer specialized services.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
My husband and I live on an acreage in Lethbridge County with our busy kindergartener and toddler. During the cropping season you will find us on the road frequently to my family’s century family farm in east Central Alberta. We also maintain a small cattle herd. As a farmer, I love having the opportunity to share what food production looks like with those who want to learn. In the summer I also enjoy gardening and camping with my family.