Kacie Bosch chasing both her international basketball dreams and a teaching career

Kacie Bosch (BA '20) got the hang of bouncing between basketball and academics when she completed her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology during an all-star run with Pronghorn Athletics. Now, Kacie has returned to the University of Lethbridge for more hard work on the court and in the classroom, as she pursues an after-degree Bachelor of Education while donning the maple leaf and the Horns logo, competing for Canada's 3x3 Women's National Team and assistant coaching her former ULethbridge squad.

It has been hard balancing training with school, but both have taught me that the recipe for success is resilience, time management and asking for help when needed.

As Kacie and her Canadian teammates set their sights on the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, she will still be logging practicum hours and preparing herself to run a classroom.

Why did you choose ULethbridge?

Because of basketball, I started my journey at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington for two years. When I looked to transfer, the University of Lethbridge – in my hometown, playing for the Pronghorns – was the only place I considered transferring to.

I chose my current path at ULethbridge because the Faculty of Education is held in such high regard. The ability to work with instructors who are both knowledgeable and passionate about their job has made my choice to stay in my hometown an easy one.

Did you know what you wanted to study before you came to ULethbridge?

Initially, I wanted to do counselling, which is why I did my psychology degree, and then I was a student support worker at Winston Churchill High School last year for six months, and I realized that I wasn’t ready to be a counsellor. I didn’t feel like I had enough life experience to give the students what they would need to help them through tough times. I realized that teaching would be the best route for me to go. My parents had been telling me my whole life that I was going to be a teacher and I always resisted.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

Hopefully, I will qualify for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics and receive my teaching degree in the fall of 2024!

What advice would you give those beginning their journey at ULethbridge?

Enjoy the journey, embrace discomfort and be kind to yourself.