Valentine is gaining work experience and research skills

When Valentine Deregnaucourt moved to Canada from France, she looked for a university known for its research programs, innovation and work-integrated learning.

Meet Valentine | Program: Bachelor of Science (BSc) | Major: Kinesiology

What are the benefits of studying at uLethbridge over larger institutions?

"Since I started at uLethbridge, I’ve had so many opportunities and experiences. Because it’s a small university, I was able to get to know my professors, and staff. In my first two years, I was involved in three different research projects, on the executive of clubs, a teaching assistant, a French tutor, a volunteer for the International Centre and more. To sum up, uLethbridge puts you on the path to success by helping you build relationships, find opportunities and develop new experiences and skills."

uLethbridge offers a lot of experiential learning opportunities not always offered at other universities. I truly believe these experiences are essential for personal and professional growth.

How have your professors affected your education?

"Most of my professors have been inspiring. I see their success and can tell they are passionate about teaching and research. Ilsa Wong gave me the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for her class. Without her encouragement and her confidence in me, I wouldn’t have had the courage to apply for the position and be as successful in my work.

Marc Bomhof wasn’t one of my professors, but he is already a supervisor, mentor and an amazing support in my academics. I spoke with him about my interest in research and nutrition during my first week at uLethbridge. Our common interest and my motivation led us to apply for a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) grant so I could do summer work in his lab. Despite the fact I was only a first-year student without much research experience, he believed in me and reassured me. He was right... I got the award and was able to do government-funded research in my first year of university!"

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Learn more about Valentine's uLethbridge experience:

uLethbridge kinesiology student Valentine Deregnaucourt