Shining Graduate - Chloe Devoy (BSc '21)

Chloe Devoy (BSc '21) will receive her Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences, with a research internship concentration and a minor in French this spring. Her liberal education encouraged her to explore disciplines and opportunities outside of her primary area of study. As an undergrad, Chloe juggled multiple extracurricular activities alongside her academic studies. In doing so, she gained skills and experience that can be applied both for her future career and elsewhere.

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?

My two most memorable uLethbridge experiences are serving as a TA for the School of Liberal Education and being a member of the University's Research Internship Concentration (RIC) program.

What have you gained from the liberal education experience at uLethbridge?

Having a liberal education has allowed me to learn more about myself. It encouraged me to explore opportunities outside of my primary field of study and fall in love with subjects that I hadn't originally considered. Liberal education has caused me to become more well-rounded, realizing that issues are often multifaceted and require collaboration between disciplines to be solved!

What is the most important lesson you learned during your time at uLethbridge?

The most important lesson that I have learnt at the U of L is to become involved! You will never regret the opportunities that you do take, only the ones that you do not!

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge experience?

I can't thank Dr. Steve Wiseman enough for the opportunities that he has provided me within his lab! I have loved having the chance to present and publish my research, as well as the opportunity to work independently in his lab. I am very grateful for all of the time and effort he invested in me as an undergraduate student.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I recently started an MSc in the Wiseman lab with research focused on aquatic ecotoxicology and hope to pursue a career in environmental law upon completion.

What advice would you give to those who are about to begin their journey at uLethbridge?

Get involved! Sign up for clubs or projects that spark your interest, and don't be afraid to seek out your instructors when looking for opportunities. I also strongly suggest taking classes that might be outside of your comfort zone. You might surprise yourself!

Learn more about Chloe's uLethbridge experience.