Shining Graduate, Brayden Pitcher, BSc '20

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?

My most memorable experience was presenting my final presentation of my honours thesis research to the psychology department. It was the moment where I felt the most accomplished as an undergraduate student.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge experience?

Dr. Jennifer Mather from the Psychology department. As soon as I transferred to U of L and took her Psychology of Aging class, she has sort of "taken me under her wing" so to speak, guiding me with my writing and research skills, providing me opportunities to do independent and applied studies, helping me find volunteer placement with the Accommodated Learning Centre, and being my supervisor for my Honours Thesis. She has been with me pretty much every step and helping me build many important skills.

What is the most important lesson you learned?

The most important lesson that I have learned is that as a student, you are going to experience discouragement and moments where you cannot see yourself succeeding. This is okay, I learned that this means that you care as a student and that giving up is not the way to overcome the struggle. Our moments of immense growth come after the struggle is over.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

My goal is to take my skills that I have learned to try my hand at being accepted into med school. I want to get into psychiatry as my career, as I have always wanted to help people and there is no better way, I think, that I can help people than becoming a psychiatrist.

What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary (graduate studies) journeys?

  • Do your best to build relationships and connections with classmates and professors.
  • Don't worry if you are confused at what direction to take while in your first year, your experiences will help your path become clearer.
  • Don't just keep your head in your books, join clubs, go to events, make friends and find social groups. If you want to go further in your education, developing interpersonal relationships and social skills will help you go much further.
  • Take the opportunity to volunteer, do independent and applied studies and try your hand at research like in a professor's lab.
As an undergraduate student, Brayden Pitcher worked to build connections, both with his professors and his peers. Through those connections, he researched ways in which we can improve the teaching of work-related skills for students with disabilities. Learn more about Brayden's undergraduate experience!