Research Internship Concentration - first-year biological sciences student Rylie Mooney

What drew you to the RIC program?

I have always been super drawn towards biology and wanting to know more about every aspect of it. Although I am not planning on going into research, I am thrilled with the chance to understand how it is done. The RIC also teaches us a lot about analyzing and forming proposals and papers, which will help my future science classes. As well as the experience, the competitiveness and hands-on opportunities look great on a resume.

What have you enjoyed the most about BIOL 2001 and the RIC program?

I never knew how much goes into planning and creating your own experiment. In BIOL 2001, it was fascinating to go through these steps in my first year and learn how a proper research study looks.

My favourite part of the RIC is probably how much of a community it is. Since entry into the program is competitive, the class size is smaller. My class only has nine people in it, but it's amazing because we can all bounce ideas and plans off each other and help with editing. The professors do a great job of keeping us engaged and working to our specific needs, which is always helpful.

What are you planning to do after university, and has the RIC program contributed to your career plans?

I plan to transfer to the University of Calgary veterinary medicine program after completing my biological sciences degree at the U of L. Since the vet program is so competitive, I am hoping that RIC gives me a competitive edge.

Is there anyone who has had an important influence on your experience with the program? This can be a fellow student in the RIC program, a mentor, staff or faculty.

I think it is a mix of the staff and classmates that makes the program so enjoyable. It is truly like a little community where we get to know each other right away. Julie Lee-Yah led the class super well and was always welcoming to questions. Our TA's the semester, Molly Tilley and Lauren Zink brought some fantastic insight into different research aspects such as writing, coding, and actual fieldwork. They are really well rounded in their knowledge of research and the scientific process and have helped out with creating labs for us to preform and guiding us through our experiments and writing.

What advice would you give students who are about to start their biological sciences degrees and possibly embark in research through the RIC program?

I would say come in very open to learning something new and don't come in if you aren't interested in hands-on learning. The RIC isn't a program that you can rely on notes and memorization; it is entirely hands-on and learn as you go.


Imagine being the first to discover something about a gene, a cell, an organism or an ecosystem! In the Research Internship Concentration (RIC), students make discoveries through biological research as an integral part of your university program. Learn more about the RIC.