Research Internship Concentration - fourth-year biological sciences student Katrina Taylor

What drew you to the RIC program?

After applying to uLethbridge, I was offered admission into the RIC and saw it as an excellent opportunity to become involved in science!

What did you enjoy most about your first year in the RIC?

I truly enjoyed being engaged in experiments and seeing science performed firsthand. It was awesome to be able to see how a scientific study is conducted from start to finish.

What have you enjoyed the most about the RIC program?

I have enjoyed being able to meet all of the members of the RIC. I have collaborated with other students, have made many friends and met my mentors through this program.

What are you planning to do after university, and has the RIC program contributed to your career plans?

I plan to attend medical school after graduation. The RIC has been instrumental in helping me build my CV. I have gained experience and scholarships that will help me get into medical school. It also helped me develop a love for research that is very beneficial for medical professionals.

Is there anyone who has had an important influence on your experience with the program? This can be a fellow student in the RIC program, a mentor, staff or faculty.

Kaden Fujita and Darren VanEssan, two RIC students in the class above mine, acted as great mentors throughout my undergraduate degree. In addition, professors Elizabeth Shultz and Steve Wiseman served as significant influences and inspirations to complete research.

What advice would you give students who are about to start their biological sciences degrees and possibly embark in research through the RIC program?

Take every opportunity you can! The only person that will limit yourself is you.

UPDATE SEP '22: Katrina is now in med school!


Imagine being the first to discover something about a gene, a cell, an organism or an ecosystem! In the Research Internship Concentration (RIC), students make discoveries through biological research as an integral part of your university program. Learn more about the RIC.