Research Internship Concentration - fourth-year biological sciences student Karen Shamash

What drew you to the RIC program?

I was drawn to the RIC because of the opportunity to work in a research lab and gain hands-on experience before graduation.

What have you enjoyed the most about the RIC program?

The variety of projects you are engaged in, which introduces you to the variety of research conducted at the University of Lethbridge. I also appreciated the opportunity to participate in and conduct my own research study.

If you are a senior student in the program, what research have you engaged in? Tell us what you have enjoyed most about your project(s), including any cool findings!

As a senior student in the RIC, I conducted a study in aquatic toxicology. Within this research, I was studying the effects of microplastics and cadmium on freshwater invertebrate species.

What are you planning to do after university, and has the RIC program contributed to your career plans?

Once I graduate, I plan to pursue veterinary medicine or a graduate degree. The RIC has definitely contributed to my career path by improving my lab techniques and developing my scientific writing skills.

Is there anyone who has had an important influence on your experience with the program? This can be a fellow student in the RIC program, a mentor, staff or faculty.

All faculty and staff are very accessible. They give great advice and are always willing to help out. We can rely on them for feedback that improves and develops our skills both in the lab and in writing.

What advice would you give students who are about to start their biological sciences degrees and possibly embark in research through the RIC program?

The RIC is an outstanding program if you're pursuing any career in the scientific community! In the RIC, you can gain excellent hands-on experience and develop your skills before graduating.

UPDATE SEP '22: Karen has recently graduated from ULethbridge.


Imagine being the first to discover something about a gene, a cell, an organism or an ecosystem! In the Research Internship Concentration (RIC), students make discoveries through biological research as an integral part of your university program. Learn more about the RIC.