Q&A with Calgary Campus 2020 Graduate Laurie Elliott

Laurie Elliott, BMgt in Human Resource Managment & Labour Relations

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?

Participating in real-life business cases were my most memorable ULeth experiences. In both my Employment Law and Labour relations classes, we were given the opportunity to participate in “real life” collective bargaining and Human Rights Tribunal activities in front of actual board members. This was such a valuable learning opportunity and a very unique way for us to apply the lessons and knowledge we had acquired throughout the semester.

Not only that, but this opportunity was a very exciting way for us students to engage in the learning.

I will always remember and appreciate these experiences!

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge?

There are a few instructors who come to mind as having an important influence on me. Kristene Coller was one of these people, she was my instructor for a few classes; her teaching style and the way she empowers her students really had an impact on me. Kristene engaged us in conversation around what we were learning in a really meaningful way and got to know all her students which I really appreciated. She encouraged us to explore our ideas and think creatively; she valued each student’s individual learning style. Her passion and drive will remain with me.

Another person who had great influence on me was a fellow student I met, Anita Walji. I had the opportunity to work with Anita on many projects throughout university and am thankful for all I learned from her. Her creativity, her ability to problem solve and think outside the box, and her amazing writing skills are all things that will stay with me and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to have met her at U of L.

What is the most important lesson you learned?

The most important lesson I learned through University is that I can accomplish anything I put my mind (and effort) to. I was very nervous about returning to University, being that I worked Full Time and had been out of school for a number of years and I found myself questioning whether or not I was going to be able to “make it” or be successful in school. What I learned over my post-secondary career was my ability to accomplish the goals I set for myself.

University taught me so much about myself, such as my passions and dreams for my future, things I never thought possible prior. I no longer fear setting big goals for myself because I know that I have the ability to achieve what I set my mind to.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

At the moment I am studying to write the CPHR NKE exam and have applied to the CPHR’s mentorship program; my hope is to continue to expand my knowledge and skills within Human Resources and put my degree to use in my new career within that field.

But more importantly, I hope to put my education to use to make a positive impact in our community. I have long been a passionate advocate and supporter of local non-profits and now, with my education, I have even more knowledge and skills that I can put to use to serve our local community. I can’t wait to see how I can put my degree to use as I continue to work with various non-profits.

What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary (graduate studies) journeys?

Believe in yourself! Don’t let self-doubt take hold of your thoughts. Post-secondary can seem daunting and overwhelming at first but take it one class, one day at a time. You’d be surprised at what you can accomplish when you put your mind and your effort into something.

U of L has amazing resources that will help you along the way so don’t be shy to make connections, join committees and student groups and reach out to instructors, this will enhance your overall experience.

And most importantly enjoy this journey! Don’t just focus on the end goal, enjoy each day and experience as it comes your way. University is a lot of fun; you will meet amazing people and be a part of extraordinary experiences along the way so take time to enjoy every step of your journey!